deep water mcqs

41 Malaria can be confirmed in patient by 1. blood test-checking presence of parasite in blood 2. looking at the symptom i.e fever with shiver 3. rashes on the body 4. by checking the presence of female anopheles in the surrounding

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40 Carrier of dengue disease is 1. mosquito 2. housefly 3. virus 4. virus and mosquito

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39 Malarial parasite is found in the 1. salivary glands of female anopheles 2. stomach of male anopheles 3. mouth of male culex 4. human blood

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38 Malaria is caused by 1. plasmodium falciparum 2. entamoeba 3. retrovirus 4. salmonella

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37 Drinking water if contaminated gives a free invitation to 1. friends 2. family members 3. diseases 4. none of the above

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35 The wells having steps for going down and coming up are known as 1. artisen's wells 2. tubewells 3. step wells 4. all of these

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34 Alum is used for 1. cleaning turbid water 2. making water muddy 3. making water tasty 4. none of the above

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33 Water is used for washing the cattles and utensils. What effect do it have? ( Water CTET Pedagogy MCQ ) 1. water gets contaminated 2. water gets purified 3. water gets colourful 4. water gets the taste

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32 People, as a custom still gather around lake for 1. to celebrate 2. to give sacrifice 3. to quench the thirst 4. all of above

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