09 Which part of the plant evaporates water? 1. stomata 2. fruit 3. branch 4. root

10 Process through which plants reproduce, it called 1. photosynthesis 2. evaporation 3. condensation 4. pollination

11 Find the odd pair 1. stomata : transpiration 2. xylem : transportation of food 3. root hairs : absorption of water 4. chlorophyll : photosynthesis

13 Which of the following plants are dispersed widely? 1. those dispersed as spores 2. those dispersed as seed 3. those dispersed as fruit 4. those dispersed by vegetative propagation

14 Which one of the following plants is not a creeper? 1. watermelon 2. mint 3. gourd 4. pea

15 Who comes first in the food chain? 1. producers 2. primary consumer 3. decomposers 4. scavengers