Biomolecules Chemistry NEET MCQ

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Biomolecules Chemistry NEET MCQ for Students

Hydrolysis of sucrose are

(A) Ribose + Glucose

(B) Fructose + Mannose

(C) Galactose + Glucose

(D) Glucose + Fructose

Option d – Glucose + Fructose

Hydrolysis of starch gives ( Biomolecules Chemistry NEET MCQ )

(A) Fructose

(B) Glucose

(C) Lactose

(D) Galactose

Option b – Glucose

Prolong heating with hydroiodic acid and glucose gives

(A) Glucose hexaiodide

(B) Glucose pentaiodide

(C) Glucose tetraiodide

(D) n-Hexane

Option d – n-Hexane

Which is Aldotetrose? ( Biomolecules Chemistry NEET MCQ )

(A) 2,3-dihydroxy propanal

(B) Erythrose

(C) Erythrulose

(D) Xylose

Option b – Erythrose

Fructose is

(A) Ketotetrose

(B) Ketohexose

(C) Aldotriose

(D) Aldohexose

Option b – Ketohexose

Which is not aldopentose? ( Biomolecules Chemistry NEET MCQ )

(A) Xylose

(B) Arabinose

(C) Ribose

(D) Erythrose

Option d – Erythrose

The number of asymmetric carbon atoms in glucose and fructose is respectively

(A) Five, two

(B) Five, five

(C) Four, three

(D) Four, four

Option c – Four, three

In the animal body, carbohydrates are stored as ( Biomolecules Chemistry NEET MCQ )

(A) Glucose

(B) Sugar

(C) Glycogen

(D) Fructose

Option c – Glycogen

Disaccharide among the following is

(A) Fructose

(B) Maltose

(C) Glucose

(D) Raffinose

Option b – Maltose

Which is trisaccharide? ( Biomolecules Chemistry NEET MCQ )

(A) Stachyose

(B) Raffinose

(C) Galactose

(D) Fructose

Option b – Raffinose

Which of the following biomolecule can be expressed as Cx(H₂O)y?

(A) Proteins

(B) Lipids

(C) Fatts

(D) Carbohydrates

Option d – Carbohydrates

Monosaccharides in hydrolysis yield ( Biomolecules Chemistry NEET MCQ )

(A) 1 to 10 monosaccharide units

(B) 2 to 20 monosaccharide units

(C) No monosaccharide unit

(D) 5 to 15 monosaccharide units

Option c – No monosaccharide unit

Which of the following is ketose?

(A) Erythrose

(B) Arabinose

(C) Galactose

(D) Ribulose

Option d – Ribulose

The primary structural materials of organisms are ( Biomolecules Chemistry NEET MCQ )

(A) Proteins and cellulose

(B) Vitamins and lipids

(C) Proteins and 2-chlorobutane

(D) Cellulose and NaOH

Option a – Proteins and cellulose

Lipids are the main ingredient of vegetable oils and

(A) Milk fats

(B) Biocatalyst

(C) Nucleic acid

(D) Vegetable oil

Option a – Milk fats

Which of the following constitutes the genetic material of organisms? ( Biomolecules Chemistry NEET MCQ )

(A) Vitamin

(B) Nucleic acid

(C) Carbohydrate + HCl

(D) Steroid

Option b – Nucleic acid

Which of the following are optically active polyhydroxy aldehydes/ketones/compounds which give rise to such units on hydrolysis?

(A) Nucleic acids

(B) Proteins

(C) Carbohydrates

(D) Lipids

Option c – Carbohydrates

Some carbohydrates like glucose and fructose are ( Biomolecules Chemistry NEET MCQ )

(A) Fatty acids

(B) Nucleic acids

(C) Lipids

(D) Sugars

Option d – Sugars

Fructofuranose exists in …. anomeric forms.

(A) Four

(B) Three

(C) Two

(D) One

Option c – Two

Glucose is ( Biomolecules Chemistry NEET MCQ )

(A) a Cyclic six-membered ring

(B) a Cyclic six-membered ring in analogy with pyrene

(C) a Cyclic five-membered ring in analogy with furan

(D) a Cyclic five-membered ring

Option b – a Cyclic six-membered ring in analogy with pyrene

Inverted sugar is

(A) A variety of sucrose

(B) a mixture of glucose and galactose

(C) an Equimolar mixture of glucose and fructose

(D) an Optically inactive form of sugar

Option c – an Equimolar mixture of glucose and fructose

The pyranose ring structure of glucose contains ( Biomolecules Chemistry NEET MCQ )

(A) Amide linkage

(B) Ether linkage

(C) Ester linkage

(D) Imine linkage

Option b – Ether linkage

Glucose + HCN -> ?

(A) Rearrangement product

(B) Oxidation product

(C) Reduction of product

(D) Glucose cyanohydrin

Option d – Glucose cyanohydrin

When compound A is on oxidation by nitric acid and produces saccharic acid then A will be ( Biomolecules Chemistry NEET MCQ )

(A) Glucose

(B) Glucoxime

(C) Fructose

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(D) Galactose

Option a – Glucose

The number of hydroxyl groups in glucose pentacetate is

(A) Two

(B) Zero

(C) Five

(D) Eight

Option b – Zero

A monosaccharide on acetylation gives triacetate, but it is not oxidized by bromine water. The monosaccharide is ( Biomolecules Chemistry NEET MCQ )

(A) Ribose

(B) Erythrose

(C) Erythrulose

(D) Xylulose

Option c – Erythrulose

A laevorotatory carbohydrate present in fruits is

(A) Maltose

(B) Lactose

(C) Sucrose

(D) Fructose

Option d – Fructose

Glucose is not ( Biomolecules Chemistry NEET MCQ )

(A) Aldohexose

(B) Carbohydrates

(C) Aldoses

(D) Semicarbazide

Option d – Semicarbazide

Glyceraldehyde and dihydroxy acetone are a pair of

(A) Anomers

(B) Enantiomers

(C) Epimers

(D) Functional isomers

Option d – Functional isomers

Glucose treated with hydroxylamine to give ( Biomolecules Chemistry NEET MCQ )

(A) Glucose hydrazone

(B) Glucose phenyl hydrazone

(C) Glucoxime

(D) Glucose semicarbazide

Option c – Glucoxime

Which one of the following polymers is used in making bulletproof vests?

(a) Bakelite

(b) Polyamides

(c) Taflon

(d) Polyurethane

Option b – Polyamides

Which one among the following gases readily combines with the hemoglobin of the blood? ( Biomolecules Chemistry NEET MCQ )

(a) Methane

(b) Nitrogen dioxide

(c) Carbon monoxide

(d) Sulphur dioxide

Option c – Carbon monoxide

Cyanide poisoning causes death in seconds because

(a) it breaks the electron transport chain

(b) it denatures enzymes in the heart muscle.

(c) it causes cardiac arrest.

(d) it causes lysis of red blood cells.

Option a – it breaks the electron transport chain

Sweat contains water and ………

(a) the citric acid

(b) lactic acid

(c) salt

(d) vinegar

Option c – salt

Consider the following statements Enzymes and proteins can be correlated with each other in the following ways. I. All proteins are enzymes. II. All enzymes are proteins. III. All enzymes are not proteins. IV. All proteins are not enzymes. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) I and III

(b) II and IV

(c) I, II and III

(d) II, III and IV

Option b – II and IV

Which among the following is not a polymer?

(a) Nylon

(b) Teflon

(c) Caprolactam

(d) Polystyrene

Option c – Caprolactam

Which one among the following is the natural polymer?

(a) Nylon

(b) Teflon

(c) PVC

(d) Cellulose

Option d – Cellulose

Bakelite is formed by the condensation of

(a) Urea and formaldehyde

(b) Phenol and formaldehyde

(c) Phenol and acetaldehyde

(d) Melamine and formaldehyde

Option b – Phenol and formaldehyde

Teflon is the common name of

(a) Polytetrafluoroethylene

(b) Polyvinyl chloride

(c) Polyvinyl fluoride

(d) Dichlorodifluoro methane

Option a – Polytetrafluoroethylene

Non-stick frying pans are coated with

(a) Orlon

(b) Teflon

(c) Polystyrene

(d) Polypropylene

Option b – Teflon

Which one of the following polymers is not biodegradable?

(a) Cellulose

(b) Starch

(c) Protein

(d) PVC

Option d – PVC

Phenol is used in the manufacture of which one of the following?

(a) PVC

(b) Nylon

(c) Polystyrene

(d) Bakelite

Option d – Bakelite

Consider the following statements. I. Vitamins are complex organic molecules. II. Vitamins are required in small amounts for our life. Ill. Water-soluble vitamins can be stored in our bodies. Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?

(a) I and II

(b) I and III

(c) II and III

(d) Only III

Option a – I and II

Which of the following statements about vitamins is correct? I. Vitamine C is essential to make connective tissue in the body. II. Vitamin D is needed for the synthesis of eye pigment. III. Vitamin B₂ helps in the maturation of RBC. IV. Vitamin C is required to make use of calcium absorbed from the intestine. Select the correct answer using the codes given below.

(a) I and II

(b) I and III

(c) II and IV

(d) I and IV

Option b – I and III


(a) accelerate biochemical reactions

(b) consist of amino acids

(c) have optimum activity at body temperature

(d) have all these properties.

Option d – have all these properties

Which one of the following hormones contains a peptide chain?

(a) Oxytocin

(b) Corticotropin

(c) Insulin

(d) Cortisone

Option a – Oxytocin

The function of enzymes in the living system is to

(a) Transport oxygen

(b) provide immunity

(c) catalyze biochemical reaction

(d) provide energy

Option c – catalyze biochemical reaction

Which one of the following enzymes is used to digest gelatine in the process of recovering silver from the photographic film?

(a) Amylase

(b) Pepsin

(c) Lipase

(d) None of these

Option b – Pepsin

Which of the following vegetable oils does not contain essential fatty acids ?

(a) Sunflower oil

(b) Mustard oil

(c) Coconut oil

(d) Groundnut oil

Option a – Sunflower oil

Which of the following has magnesium?

(a) Carbonic anhydrase

(b) Vitamin B₁₂

(c) Chlorophyll

(d) Haemocyanine

Option c – Chlorophyll

Which one of the following statements is INCORRECT?

(A) Pars distalis produces Somatotrophic hormone.

(B) Pars intermedia secretes only one hormone.

(C) Pars nervosa secretes two hormones.

(D) Pars distalis does not secrete any hormone.

Option d – Pars distalis does not secrete any hormone.

………. is a yellowish pigmented spot present at the posterior pole of the eye and has densely. packed cones.

(A) Pupil

(B) Macula lutea

(C) Iris

(D) Blindspot

Option b – Macula lutea

Progesterone is secreted by

(A) the sac-like structure called alveoli

(B) corpus luteum

(C) Leydig cells

(D) interstitial cells

Option b – corpus luteum

A single U-shaped bone present at the base of the buccal cavity and it is also included in the skull is

(A) clavicle

(B) acromion

(C) malleus

(D) hyoid

Option d – hyoid

Rods contain a purplish red protein ………. that contains a derivative of vitamin A.

(A) rhodopsin

(B) myoglobin

(C) actin

(D) chymotrypsin

Option a – rhodopsin

The hormone cholecystokinin acts on

(A) gastric glands and atria of the heart

(B) pancreas and gallbladder

(C) urinary bladder and urethra

(D) the prostate gland and Cowper’s gland

Option b – pancreas and gallbladder

The number of cervical vertebrae in almost all mammals is

(A) 7

(B) 12

(C) 15

(D) 20

Option a – 7

Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?

(A) The cerebral aqueduct passes through the midbrain.

(B) Corpora quadrigemina are the four round swellings present in the dorsal portion of the midbrain.

(C) Meninges is the tract of nerve fibers that connect cerebral hemispheres.

(D) The cerebral cortex contains association areas.

Option c – Meninges is the tract of nerve fibers that connect cerebral hemispheres.

The olfactory receptors detect

(A) taste

(B) smell

(C) touch

(D) pain

Option b – smell

Excess secretion of growth hormone in adults especially in middle age can result in

(A) Acromegaly

(B) Graves’ disease

(C) Addison’s disease

(D) Exophthalmic goiter

Option a – Acromegaly

…… joint occurs between the carpal bones of the wrist.

(A) Pivot

(B) Hinge

(C) Gliding

(D) Saddle

Option c – Gliding

Read the following statements and select the correct option. Statement I: Afferent neuron receives a stimulus from a sensory organ. Statement II: Efferent neuron is a motor neuron.

(A) Statement I is correct while Statement II is incorrect.

(B) Statement I is incorrect while Statement II is correct.

(C) Both statements are correct.

(D) Both statements are incorrect.

Option c – Both statements are correct.

The hormone responsible for maintaining the diurnal rhythms of our body is secreted by …….. gland.

(A) adrenal

(B) thyroid

(C) pineal

(D) thymus

Option c – pineal

Which of the following bone does NOT form a forelimb?

(A) Humerus

(B) Femur

(C) Radius

(D) Metacarpal

Option b – Femur

Which of the following group correctly includes motor nerves?

(A) Olfactory, Maxillary, Hypoglossal

(B) Vagus, Auditory, Abducens

(C) Abducens, Trochlear, Occulomotor

(D) Facial, Occulomotor, Vagus

Option c – Abducens, Trochlear, Occulomotor

Identify the INCORRECT statement.

(A) Cortisol is a glucocorticoid that stimulates RBC production.

(B) Adrenal cortex secretes the hormone aldosterone.

(C) Epinephrine and norepinephrine are commonly called catecholamines.

(D) Adrenal medulla secretes corticoids.

Option d – Adrenal medulla secretes corticoids.

Select the INCORRECT match.

(A) Vertebrochondral ribs – 8th, 9th, and 10th pair

(B) Floating ribs – 11th and 12th pair

(C) True ribs – 1st to 7th pair

(D) False ribs – 9th and 10th pair

Option d – False ribs – 9th and 10th pair

…….. regulate the diameter of pupuil

(A) Anterior portion of the sclera

(B) Muscle fibers of the iris

(C) Ciliary body

(D) Choroid

Option b – Muscle fibers of the iris

Which of the following is CORRECT regarding the hormone ANF?

(A) It is secreted by the gastrointestinal tract.

(B) It is secreted when blood pressure decreases.

(C) It stimulates gastric secretion.

(D) It is a peptide hormone.

Option d – It is a peptide hormone.

Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?

(A) Clavicle is commonly called the collar bone.

(B) The two halves of the pelvic girdle meet ventrally to form the pubic symphysis.

(C) Scapula is situated in the dorsal part of the thorax.

(D) Limb bones and girdles form the axial skeleton.

Option d – Limb bones and girdles form the axial skeleton.

Identify the type of movement exhibited by ova and fertilized egg in the ampulla of the fallopian tube.

(A) Ciliary movement

(B) Amoeboid movement

(C) Muscular movement

(D) Flagellar movement

Option a – Ciliary movement

The vestibular apparatus of the inner ear is composed of semi-circular canals and

(A) otolith

(B) malleus

(C) Eustachian tube

(D) labyrinth

Option a – otolith

Hypothalamus secretes which of the following hormone?

(A) Oxytocin and prolactin

(B) Melatonin and ADH

(C) Oxytocin and vasopressin

(D) TSH and Prolactin

Option c – Oxytocin and vasopressin

Which of the following is CORRECT regarding osteoporosis?

(A) It is caused due to increased levels of oestrogen.

(B) It is characterized by decreased bone mass.

(C) It commonly occurs in children of 2 – 5 years of age.

(D) It is a condition of progressive degeneration of skeletal muscles.

Option b – It is characterized by decreased bone mass.

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