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Geography GK in Hindi

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Geography GK in Hindi. We covered all the Geography GK in Hindi MCQs in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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    Geography GK Objective in Hindi for Students

    Which of the following pairs is correct?

    (a) Shale - possesses laminations

    (b) Quartzite - soft rock

    (c) Granite - sometimes contains fossils

    (d) Basalt - coarse-grained rock

    Option a - Shale - possesses laminations

    In which type of rocks are metals like gold and copper mostly found?

    (a) Old Sedimentary

    (b) Old Igneous

    (c) Old Metamorphic

    (d) New Metamorphic

    Option b - Old Igneous

    The type of igneous rocks that are formed midway between volcanic and plutonic rocks are known as:

    (a) Basalt

    (b) Hypabyssal

    (c) Laccolith

    (d) Batholith

    Option b - Hypabyssal

    Rocks formed by the solidification of lava on the earth's surface are:

    (a) Sandstone

    (b) Limestone

    (c) Granites

    (d) Basalts

    Option d - Basalts

    How are the caves of the world's fold mountains formed?

    (a) Regular movement

    (b) Vertical movement

    (c) Horizontal movement

    (d) Compressional movement

    Option d - Compressional movement

    Which of the following is a block mountain?

    (a) Andes

    (b) Alps

    (c) Rockies

    (d) Vosges

    Option d - Vosges

    The highest grade of coal whose surface is shining and has the highest calorific value is:

    (a) Anthracite

    (b) Bituminous

    (c) Lignite

    (d) Peat

    Option a - Anthracite

    Which of the following forms of coal is the oldest?

    (a) Peat

    (b) Lignite

    (c) Bituminous

    (d) Anthracite

    Option d - Anthracite

    Which among the following is the most explosive of the Earth's volcanoes?

    (a) Cinder Cone

    (b) Caldera

    (c) Shield volcano

    (d) Flood basalt

    Option b - Caldera

    Which of the following features is the product of vulcanicity?

    (a) Fold Mountain

    (b) Escarpment

    (c) Geosynclines

    (d) Caldera

    Option d - Caldera

    Which of the following is not a sedimentary rock?

    (a) Limestone

    (b) Marble

    (c) Sandstone

    (d) Shale

    Option b - Marble

    We covered all the geography gk in Hindi mcqs above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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