Hard GK Questions

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Hard GK Questions. We covered all the Hard GK Questions in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Hard GK Mock Test for Students

What is the full form of GSM?

(a) Geographic System for Mobility

(b) Global System for Mobile Communications

(c) Great System for Mobile

(d) Grand System for Mobility

Option b – Global System for Mobile Communications

The abbreviation GSL stands for

(a) Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle

(b) Geographical Satellite Launch Vehicle

(c) Geosynchronous Satellite Locating Vehicle

(d) Global Satellite Locating Vehicle

Option a – Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle

Among the following full form of MRI is

(a) Magnetic Record of Images

(b) Magnetic Recording of Investigation

(c) Magnetic Resonance Imaging

(d) Magnetic Resonance in Intestine

Option c – Magnetic Resonance Imaging

NASA Stands for

(a) National Aeronautics and Space Administration

(b) North Atlantic Space Agency

(c) Northern Airborn and Space Agency

(d) None of the above

Option a – National Aeronautics and Space Administration

PSLV is an abbreviation of which of the following?

(a) Periodic Satellite Launch Vehicle

(b) Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle

(c) Permanent Space Launch Vehicle

(d) Programmed Satellite Launch Vehicle

Option b – Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle

What is the full form of PVC?

(a) Poly Vinyl Chlorate

(b) Poly Vinyl Chloride

(c) Poly Vinyl Carbonate

(d) Poly Vinyl Carbon

Option b – Poly Vinyl Chloride

What is the full form of ‘CSIR’?

(a) Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

(b) Centre for Science and Industrial Research

(c) Center for Share and Investment Ratio

(d) Council for Scientific and Informational Research

Option d – Council for Scientific and Informational Research

What is the full name of CFL?

(a) Condensed Fluorescent Lamp

(b) Condensed Filament Lamp

(c) Compact Fluorescent Lamp

(d) Compact Filament Lamp

Option c – Compact Fluorescent Lamp

In radio communication, FM stands for

(a) Fermi Method

(b) Frequency Modulation

(c) Frequent Modulation

(d) Function Modulation

Option b – Frequency Modulation

What is the full form of ‘ECG’?

(a) Electronic Cardiogram

(b) Electro Cardiogram

(c) Economic Cycle Graph

(d) Electrostatic Charge Generator

Option b – Electro Cardiogram

What is the full form of ICMR?

(a) Indian Council of Mental Research

(b) Indian Council of Medical Research

(c) Indian Cultural and Management Research

(d) Indian Climate and Meteorology Research

Option b – Indian Council of Medical Research

In influenza A (H1N1), the H and N stand for

(a) Hemoglobin and Neuraminidase

(b) Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase

(c) Hemagglutinin and Nucleotide

(d) Hemoglobin and Nucleotide

Option b – Hemagglutinin and Neuraminidase

In the term GIS, ‘G’ stands for

(a) Global

(b) Geographic

(c) Goodness

(d) Geological

Option b – Geographic

MMRCA stands for

(a) Mega Multi-Role Combat Airforce

(b) Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft

(c) Mega Multi-Role Combat Aircraft

(d) Medium Mega-Role Combat Aircraft

Option b – Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft

PDA stands for

(a) Personal Digital Assistant

(b) Personal Development Agency

(c) Personal Data Authority

(d) Personal Data Array

Option a – Personal Digital Assistant

‘N’ in DNA which is a hereditary material in genes, stands for

(a) Natural

(b) Natriuretic

(c) Nervous

(d) Nucleic

Option d – Nucleic

What is Tikki Mausi’ in the context of Malnutrition?

(a) A specially packaged food item

(b) A mascot

(c) Name of a scheme

(d) Name given to the healthcare providers

Option b – A mascot

On the internet, the abbreviation WWW stands for

(a) World Wide Wrestling

(b) World Wide Web

(c) World Wide Wordstar

(d) World Without Wrestling

Option b – World Wide Web

Which of the following is correctly abbreviated? I. VOIP – Voice Over Internet Protocol II. VGA – Video Graphics Array III. WPA – Wi-Fi Protected Access

(a) Only II

(b) II and III

(c) Only I

(d) All of these

Option d – All of these

Which of the following is not correctly abbreviated? I. ALGOL – Algebric Oriented Language II. AM – Ante Meridien III. APEC – Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation IV. ARPANET – Advanced Research Project Agency Network

(a) II and III

(b) III and IV

(c) None of the above

(d) All of the above

Option c – None of the above

What is the full name of BARC?

(a) Bhabha Atomic Regulating Centre

(b) Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

(c) Bhabha Aeronautics Research Centre

(d) Bhabha Aeronautics Regulating Centre

Option b – Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

The honorable Supreme Court gave judgment regarding the NEET test. What is the full form of NEET?

(a) National Entrance Examination Test

(b) National Eligibility cum Entrance Test

(c) National Elementary Education Test

(d) National Entrance Eligibility Test

Option b – National Eligibility cum Entrance Test

SERB stands for

(a) Social Enlightenment and Research Board

(b) Scientific And Engineering Research Board

(c) Scientists and Engineers Research Board

(d) Science and Engineering Research Board

Option d – Science and Engineering Research Board

DFDR(Black box) is abbreviated as

(a) Data Flight Decibel Recorder

(b) Digital Freight Data Recording

(c) Decibel Flight Data Recording

(d) Digital Flight Data Recorder

Option d – Digital Flight Data Recorder

What is the full form of ‘WHO’?

(a) Wide Health Organisation

(b) World Health Organisation

(c) World History Organisation

(d) World Heritage Organisation

Option b – World Health Organisation

We covered all the hard gk questions above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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