06 Which one of the following pairs is correct? 1. biodiversity act, 1992 2. wildlife act, 1972 3. conservation of forest act, 2005 4. all of the above

04 Read the given description of farming and identify its type " After cutting one crop, the land is left as it is for some years. Nothing is grown there. The bamboos or weeds which grow on that land are not pulled out. They are cut and burnt. The ash makes the land fertile. When the land is ready for farming it is lightly dug up, not plowed. Seeds are dropped on it." 1. cooperative farming 2. Jhoom farming 3. steep farming 4. Irrigation farming

02 In class V Environmental studies Textbook one lesson. 'Blow Hot Blow Cold' is a story written by Dr. Zakir Hussain. He has written many such stories for children. At the time of his death, he was the 1. chief justice of India 2. Vice-president of India 3. president of India 4. prime minister of India