Cognition And Emotion CTET MCQ

17 Which of the given traits is not associated with the pre-operational stage according to piaget's theory of cognitive development? 1. memory and imagination 2. stars understanding symbols 3. non-logical and irreversible thinking 4. no egocentric thinking

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16 According to piaget's theory of childhood development, sensorimotor stage is 1. birth to 2 years 2. birth to 4 years 3. 3 to 7 years 4. 7 to 11 years

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15 See the matched pair below and pick the correct matching 1. deductive though : pre-operational child 2. inference and logic : infancy 3. conservation and classification : concrete operational stage 4. imitation and imagination : formal operational stage

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14 Consider the statements given below and choose which one is correct 1. birth to 2 years is the period of infancy 2. 2 to 7 years is pre-operational state 3. piaget gave the theory of cognitive development 4. all of the above

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13 Which of the given combinations, in terms of instincts-emotion, is correct? 1. fight-disgust 2. curiosity-wonder 3. self-assertion-subjection 4. appeal-lust

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12 Consider the given statements about the components of cognition and choose the option that weakens the concept 1. cognitive perceptions allow us to organise and understand the world through stimuli 2. attention is to concentrate on the stimuli or an activity 3. memory is a basic function of learning in the mere sense of creating identity 4. thought is the most fundamental cognitive process

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11 Which of the following is not an attribute of cognition? 1. it is a mental process involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension 2. thinking, knowing, remembering, judging and problem-solving are the elements of cognition 3. cognition is the higher-level function of brain that includes imagination and perception 4. cognition is an integral part of learning though not necessary for children in the earlier stages

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10 Which one of the following is a correctly matched pair? 1. concrete operational child : is able to conserve and classify 2. formal operational child : imitation begins, imaginary play 3. infancy : applies logic and is able to infer 4. pre-operational child : deductive thought

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09 According to Piaget, a child between 2 to 7 years is in the ...... stage of cognitive development 1. formal operational 2. concrete operational 3. sensorimotor 4. pre-operational

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