Identifying and Addressing Disabled and Learning Disability Children CTET Complete MCQ

23 A teacher can address the difficulties of physically disabled learners by 1. talking to them just like another normal person 2. adapt classroom situations to help them maintain their self-respect 3. both 1 and 2 4. neither 1 nor 2

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22 Visually impaired children will get maximum support in the classroom from peers if 1. their learning takes place through lectures given by teachers 2. software assisted braille script is used for teaching them 3. their survival strategies are strengthened 4. they improve their social skills

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21 Learning disabilities may occur due to all of the following except 1. the teachers way of teaching 2. prenatal use of alcohol 3. mental retardation 4. meningitis during infancy

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20 A child with hearing impairment 1. will not benefit from academic education only and should be given vocational training instead 2. can do very well in a regular school if suitable facilitation and resources are provided 3. will never be able to perform at para with classmates in a regular school 4. should be sent only to a school for the hearing impaired and not to a regular school

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19 A child who can see partially 1. should be put in a 'regular' school with no special provisions 2. should not be given education, since it is not any use to him 3. needs to be put in a seperate institution 4. should be put in a 'regular' school while making special provisions

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18 Which one of the following behaviours is an identifier of a child with learning disability? ( Identifying and Addressing Disabled and Learning Disability Children CTET Complete MCQ ) 1. frequent mood swings 2. abusive behaviour 3. writing 'b' as 'd', 'was' as 'saw', '21' as '12' 4. low attention span and high physical activity

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17 A child with normal intelligence shows difficulty in reading and comprehending language. It indicates that the child is showing symptoms of 1. dysgraphia 2. dyscalculia 3. dyspaxia 4. dyslexia

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16 Deficiency in the ability to write, associated with impaired handwriting, is a symptom of 1. dysgraphia 2. dyspraxia 3. dyscalculia 4. dyslexia

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15 A child's notebook shows errors in writing like reverse images, mirror imaging etc. Such a child is showing signs of 1. learning disadvantage 2. learning disability 3. learning difficulty 4. learning problem

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