Living Organisms General Science MCQ
29 Which of the following behaviour is taken as an advantage by the advertisers?
1. imitation
2. instinct
3. conditioning
4. imprinting
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28 Children in the school getting accustomed to the school bell comes under
1. instinct
2. imitation
3. conditioning
4. imprinting
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27 Following the first seen object like ducklings is due to
1. instinct
2. imitation
3. conditioning
4. imprinting
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26 Making of the nest, is the art acquired by the birds from which of the following?
1. instinct
2. imprinting
3. conditioning
4. imitation
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25 Pacinian receptors are for
1. touch
2. pressure
3. temperature
4. all
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24 Which is the largest organ of the human body?
1. heart
2. lungs
3. intestine
4. skin
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23 Cutaneous receptors are responsible for
1. sense of touch
2. sense of taste
3. sense of vision
4. sense of smell
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22 Fungi form papillae are
1. flake like structures
2. roundish structures
3. back of tongue round structures
4. hairy substances
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21 On the sides of the tongue, the bump like structures are
1. filiform papillae
2. fungiform papillae
3. cicumvallate papillae
4. foliate papillae
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20 Olfactory receptors are present in
1. mucous membrane
2. eustachian tube
3. chorid
4. taste buds
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