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Living Organisms General Science MCQ

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Living Organisms General Science MCQ. We covered all the Living Organisms General Science MCQ that helps you to crack any competitive exam that has a General science subject topic in this post.

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01 The network that creates the passages within the cytoplasm for the transport is

  1. golgi apparatus
  2. lysosomes
  3. plasticids
  4. endoplasmic reticulum

Option 4 – endoplasmic reticulum

02 Which of the following contain the ribosomes?

  1. rough endoplasmic reticulum
  2. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
  3. golgi complex
  4. lysosomes

Option 1 – rough endoplasmic reticulum

03 In vertebrate liver cells, what plays a crucial role in detoxiying poisons and drugs?

  1. rough endoplasmic reticulum
  2. smooth endoplasmic reticulum
  3. golgi complex
  4. lysosomes

Option 2 – smooth endoplasmic reticulum

04 Which of the following will play a major role in the synthesis of the proteins?

  1. ribosomes
  2. lysosomes
  3. crista
  4. chloroplast

Option 1 – ribosomes

05 Which of the following organelles function is to pack the substances before transportation

  1. plastids
  2. vacuoles
  3. ribosome
  4. golgi body

Option 4 – golgi body

06 Which of the following is called the suicidal bag of the cell

  1. lysosome
  2. golgi body
  3. ribosome
  4. vacuoles

Option 1 – lysosome

07 Which organelles plays a major role in the respiration of the cell?

  1. ribosomes
  2. lysosomes
  3. mitochondria
  4. vacuoles

Option 3 – mitochondria

08 What is called as ‘the power house of the cell’?

  1. mitochondria
  2. lysosome
  3. golgi material
  4. ribosomes

Option 1 – mitochondria

09 Which organelles plays crucial role in the photosynthetic process?

  1. ribosome
  2. mitochondria
  3. lysosome
  4. plastids

Option 4 – plastids

10 Who was the first to explain that the new cells could be formed only by the division of the pre-existing cells?

  1. schleidon
  2. schwann
  3. robert hooke
  4. rudolf virchow

Option 4 – rudolf virchow

11 What portion of the eye is visible to us?

  1. 1/2
  2. 2/3
  3. 1/4
  4. 1/6

Option 4 – 1/6

12 Cornea is found in

  1. sclerotic layer
  2. choroid layer
  3. retina
  4. all together in a combined form

Option 1 – sclerotic layer

13 Which of the following has the blood vessels in excess?

  1. sclera
  2. retina
  3. choroid layer
  4. same in all

Option 3 – choroid layer

14 The lens in our eyes are

  1. mano convex
  2. mano concave
  3. bi concave
  4. bi convex

Option 4 – bi convex

15 Rods and cones are present in

  1. lens
  2. cornia
  3. retina
  4. iris

Option 3 – retina

16 Iodospin pigment is the one which becomes handy when

  1. there is bright light
  2. there is no light
  3. dreams
  4. seeing in water

Option 1 – there is bright light

17 What is called the clean window of the eye?

  1. cornea
  2. pupil
  3. lens
  4. retina

Option 1 – cornea

18 Auditory meatus is

  1. eardrum
  2. ear ossicles
  3. ear canal
  4. cochlea

Option 3 – ear canal

19 Saccules is

  1. the anterior part of the vertibule
  2. the posterior part of the vertibule
  3. the portion of scala vertibulli
  4. the bacillary membrane

Option 1 – the anterior part of the vertibule

20 Olfactory receptors are present in

  1. mucous membrane
  2. eustachian tube
  3. chorid
  4. taste buds

Option 1 – mucous membrane

21 On the sides of the tongue, the bump like structures are

  1. filiform papillae
  2. fungiform papillae
  3. cicumvallate papillae
  4. foliate papillae

Option 4 – foliate papillae

22 Fungi form papillae are

  1. flake like structures
  2. roundish structures
  3. back of tongue round structures
  4. hairy substances

Option 2 – roundish structures

23 Cutaneous receptors are responsible for

  1. sense of touch
  2. sense of taste
  3. sense of vision
  4. sense of smell

Option 1 – sense of touch

24 Which is the largest organ of the human body?

  1. heart
  2. lungs
  3. intestine
  4. skin

Option 4 – skin

25 Pacinian receptors are for

  1. touch
  2. pressure
  3. temperature
  4. all

Option 2 – pressure

26 Making of the nest, is the art acquired by the birds from which of the following?

  1. instinct
  2. imprinting
  3. conditioning
  4. imitation

Option 1 – instinct

27 Following the first seen object like ducklings is due to

  1. instinct
  2. imitation
  3. conditioning
  4. imprinting

Option 4 – imprinting

28 Children in the school getting accustomed to the school bell comes under

  1. instinct
  2. imitation
  3. conditioning
  4. imprinting

Option 3 – conditioning

29 Which of the following behaviour is taken as an advantage by the advertisers?

  1. imitation
  2. instinct
  3. conditioning
  4. imprinting

Option 3 – conditioning

We covered all the Living Organisms General Science MCQ content from the general science topics above.

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