World Geography MCQ

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World Geography MCQ Objective for Students

Latitude and Longitude both:

(a) pass through poles

(b) run parallel to the equator

(c) run parallel to each other

(d) run perpendicular to each other

Option d – run perpendicular to each other

Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

(a) 66° 33′ N latitude-Arctic Circle

(b) 180°E or 180°W longitude International Dateline

(c) 23° 20′ N latitude-Tropic of Cancer

(d) 0° E or 0° W longitude-Equator

Option d – 0° E or 0° W longitude-Equator

One degree of longitude on the equator is equal to a distance of:

(a) 34.5 miles

(b) 50 miles

(c) 60 miles

(d) 69 miles

Option b – 50 miles

At the summer solstice, which one of the following latitudes will have the longest night?

(a) 45°N

(b) 45°S

(c) 60°N

(d) 60°S

Option d – 60°S

The Tropic of Cancer passes through:

(a) India and Iran

(b) Iran and Pakistan

(c) India and Saudi Arabia

(d) Iran and Iraq

Option c – India and Saudi Arabia

Which of these is the longest?

(a) 0° Meridian

(b) 180° E-W

(c) 90° E

(d) All are equal

Option d – All are equal

The core of the Earth is made up of:

(a) mainly of iron in the liquid form

(b) mainly of nickel in the liquid form

(c) both iron and silica in the liquid form

(d) both iron and nickel in the plastic state

Option d – both iron and nickel in the plastic state

Which one of the following is not the effect of the revolution of the Earth?

(a) Change of seasons

(b) Length of days and nights

(c) Determination of latitudes

(d) Change in the direction of winds and ocean currents

Option d – Change in the direction of winds and ocean currents

The maximum difference in the spacing of longitudes is:

(a) at poles

(b) at equator

(c) at tropics

(d) at arctic circle

Option b – at equator

The latitude of a point on the earth is measured by the distance in:

(a) kilometers from the poles

(b) kilometers from the equator

(c) angles from the poles

(d) angles from the equator

Option d – angles from the equator

A difference between 2 longitudes at the equator is nearby equivalent to …… km.

(a) 101

(b) 111

(c) 121

(d) 91

Option b – 111

The shortest day length that occurs in the Northern Hemisphere is on :

(a) 21st March

(b) 23rd September

(c) 22nd November

(d) 22nd December

Option d – 22nd December

The Earth’s axis of rotation (polar axis) is always inclined at an angle of :

(a) 23.0° from the elliptic axis

(b) 23.1° from the elliptic axis

(c) 24.5° from the elliptic axis

(d) 23.50° from the elliptic axis

Option d – 23.50° from the elliptic axis

The Tropic of Cancer passes through which one of the following countries?

(a) North Sudan

(b) Chad

(c) Mali

(d) Yemen

Option c – Mali

When the Sun is near the horizon during the morning or evening, it appears reddish. The phenomenon that is responsible for this observation is

(a) reflection of light

(b) refraction of light

(c) dispersion of light

(d) scattering of light

Option d – scattering of light

The equatorial circumference of the Earth is nearly :

(a) 31,000 km

(b) 40,000 km

(c) 50,000 km

(d) 64,000 km

Option b – 40,000 km

The land covers about …… of the earth’s surface.

(a) 20%

(b) 30%

(c) 35%

(d) 40%

Option b – 30%

One degree of the circumference of the earth measures (approx.) :

(a) 100 km

(b) 111 km

(c) 151 km

(d) 175 km

Option b – 111 km

Spring tides occur when :

(a) the moon is nearest to the earth

(b) the moon is farthest from the earth

(c) the moon, the sun, and the earth are at right angles with the earth at the apex

(d) the moon, the sun, and the earth are in the same line

Option d – the moon, the sun, and the earth are in the same line

The speed of rotation of the earth is the highest :

(a) along the Equator

(b) at the North Pole

(c) along the Tropic of Cancer

(d) along the Arctic Circle

Option a – along the Equator

“Mohs’ Scale” is used to indicate the :

(a) degree of brittleness of a substance

(b) degree of hardness of minerals

(c) degree of viscosity of a liquid

(d) degree of elasticity of a material

Option b – degree of hardness of minerals

If a solar eclipse occurs when the moon is quite far from the Earth, the eclipse would be likely to be :

(a) total

(b) partial

(c) annular

(d) None of these

Option c – annular

The word used to describe the shape of the earth is :

(a) flat

(b) circle

(c) sphere

(d) oblate spheroid

Option d – oblate spheroid

The mean radius of the earth is approximately :

(a) 3200 km

(b) 6400 km

(c) 9600 km

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(d) 12800 km

Option b – 6400 km

Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere occurs on :

(a) December 22

(b) September 23

(c) June 21

(d) March 21

Option a – December 22

Of the total volume of the earth, which layer forms the major part?

(a) Sial

(b) Sima

(c) Mantle

(d) Core

Option c – Mantle

The equatorial circumference is greater than the polar circumference by approximately:

(a) 22 km

(b) 68 km

(c) 125 km

(d) 625 km

Option b – 68 km

The distance of the equator from either of the poles is:

(a) 500 km

(b) 5001 km

(c) 10,002 km

(d) 36,005 km

Option c – 10,002 km

On the 21st of June, the daylight is seen at the North Pole for:

(a) zero hrs.

(b) 12 hrs.

(c) 18 hrs.

(d) 24 hrs.

Option d – 24 hrs

The amount of insolation received at a place on the surface of the earth depends on:

(a) its climate

(b) its latitude

(c) its longitude

(d) Both (a) and (b)

Option d – Both (a) and (b)

If a place is located at 20°N, 80°E in which of the following continents does it lie?

(a) Africa

(b) Asia

(c) Europe

(d) North America

Option b – Asia

The longest circle that can be drawn on the earth’s surface passes through:

(a) Equator

(b) Tropic of Cancer

(c) Arctic Circle

(d) Tropic of Capricorn

Option a – Equator

Which of the following phenomena gives evidence for the spherical shape of the Earth?

(a) Solar eclipse

(b) Lunar eclipse

(c) Revolution

(d) Rotation of Earth

Option b – Lunar eclipse

The speed of rotation of the earth is:

(a) 25 km/sec.

(b) 31 km/sec.

(c) 39.5 km/sec.

(d) 9.72 km/sec.

Option d – 9.72 km/sec

The point in the orbit of a moon that is farthest from the Earth and at which the moon’s velocity is at a minimum, known as:

(a) Apehelion

(b) Apigee

(c) Umbra

(d) Perihelion

Option b – Apigee

The Sun shines vertically on the equator:

(a) throughout the year

(b) for six months

(c) twice a year

(d) once a year

Option c – twice a year

Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the given Continents in the decreasing order of their percentage of Earth’s land?

(a) North America Africa South America-Europe

(b) Africa-North America South America-Europe

(c) North America -Africa -Europe – South America

(d) Africa – North America -Europe South America

Option b – Africa-North America South America-Europe

The largest amount of reflection of the solar radiant energy, which is reflected back into space before reaching the earth’s surface, is due to:

(a) clouds

(b) water-bodies

(c) snow and ice-covered areas of the earth

(d) All of the above reflect nearly the same amount

Option a – clouds

What percentage of insolation is received by the earth’s surface?

(a) 47%

(b) 51%

(c) 66%

(d) 87%

Option b – 51%

The incoming short-wave solar radiation is balanced by an equal amount of long-wave radiation from Earth going back to space. This is known as:

(a) earth radiation

(b) wave balance of the earth

(c) heat balance of the earth

(d) radiation exchange

Option c – heat balance of the earth

The latitude of a place expresses its angular position relative to the plane of:

(a) axis of the Earth

(b) equator

(c) North pole

(d) South pole

Option b – equator

At 12 noon on December 21, you observe that you cast no shadow as you stand in bright sunlight. So you must be somewhere near:

(a) the Arctic Circle

(b) the Tropic of Cancer

(c) the Tropic of Capricorn

(d) the South Pole

Option c – the Tropic of Capricorn

The Tropic of Cancer does NOT pass through:

(a) Egypt

(b) Mexico

(c) Oman

(d) Yemen

Option d – Yemen

Which one of the following minerals occurs abundantly in the Earth’s crust?

(a) Bauxite

(b) Silica

(c) Manganese

(d) Iron

Option b – Silica

When a ship crosses the Dateline from west to east:

(a) it loses one day

(b) it gains one day

(c) it loses half a day.

(d) it gains half a day

Option b – it gains one day

If there are four places on the same meridian 500 km apart and the local time at one place is 12.00 noon, what will be the time at the three other places?

(a) 12.00 noon

(b) 1.00 pm

(c) 2.00 pm

(d) Different times at different places

Option a – 12.00 noon

The tide at its maximum height is known as:

(a) Equinox

(b) Neap tide

(c) Spring tide

(d) Tsunami

Option c – Spring tide

‘Green House Effect’ means:

(a) pollution in houses in tropical regions

(b) trapping of solar energy due to atmospheric oxygen

(c) trapping of solar energy due to atmospheric carbon dioxide

(d) cultivation in greenhouses so as to check pollution

Option c – trapping of solar energy due to atmospheric carbon dioxide

The International Date Line passes through:

(a) Bering Strait

(b) Gibraltar Strait

(c) Florida Strait

(d) Malacca Strait

Option a – Bering Strait

The International Date Line makes a slight deviation from the 180° meridian so that it:

(a) divides the land masses under the same administration

(b) does not divide the Bering Strait

(c) does not divide a group of islands under the same administration

(d) divides the Pacific Ocean into two equal halves

Option c – does not divide a group of islands under the same administration

When it is 12:00 noon in India, the time in San Francisco (USA) would be closest to:

(a) 11:30 p.m.

(b) 11:30 p.m. of the previous day

(c) 8:30 p.m.

(d) 8:30 p.m. of the previous day

Option d – 8:30 p.m. of the previous day

Beirut time is two hours ahead, and Lima time is five hours behind GMT. The longitudes of Beirut and Lima are respectively:

(a) 75° West and 30° East

(b) 70° East and 35° West

(c) 30° East and 75° West

(d) 35° West and 70° East

Option c – 30° East and 75° West

When the clock strikes 12:00 noon at Greenwich, it strikes 5:30 p.m. at place X on the same day. What is the meridian of longitude of place X?

(a) 97°30′ E

(b) 97°30′ W

(c) 82°30′ E

(d) 82°30′ W

Option c – 82°30′ E

When it is nine o’clock in London, it will be the same time as:

(a) Ghana

(b) Babon

(c) Latvia

(d) Norway

Option a – Ghana

The International Dateline deflects to a side to avoid:

(a) Society islands

(b) Hawaii

(c) Aleutian Islands

(d) All of these

Option c – Aleutian Islands

A person sets off from Alaska on a Tuesday and reaches New Zealand the next day, which will be:

(a) Tuesday

(b) Wednesday

(c) Thursday

(d) Friday

Option c – Thursday

On which of the following dates, the amplitude of the tides would be maximum?

(a) January 3, New Moon

(b) January 3, Moon in the second quarter

(c) July 6, Full Moon

(d) December 21, New Moon

Option a – January 3, New Moon

If the earth’s direction of rotation is reversed, what would be the IST when it is noon at the International Date Line?

(a) 06.30 hrs

(b) 05.30 hrs

(c) 18.30 hrs

(d) 17.30 hrs

Option c – 18.30 hrs

One day in Mumbai a tide occurs at 8.00 A.M. The next day it will occur at:

(a) 8.13 A.M.

(b) 8.26 A.M.

(c) 8.52 A.M.

(d) 8.56 A.M.

Option c – 8.52 A.M.

Which among the following correctly represents the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) of Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, and Thailand?

(a) UTC+05:30, UTC+06:00, UTC+06:30, UTC+07:00

(b) UTC+05:45, UTC+06:00, UTC+06:30, UTC+07:00

(c) UTC+05:45, UTC+06:15, UTC+06:45, UTC+07:00

(d) UTC+05:30, UTC+06:00, UTC+06:40, UTC+07:00

Option b – UTC+05:45, UTC+06:00, UTC+06:30, UTC+07:00

The instrument used for finding out wind direction is:

(a) anemometer

(b) wind vane

(c) wind gauze

(d) hygrometer

Option b – wind vane

‘Beaufort Scale’ is used to measure:

(a) air pressure

(b) wind velocity

(c) wind direction

(d) humidity

Option b – wind velocity

The Trade winds are caused by:

(a) rotation of the earth

(b) revolution of the earth

(c) inflowing movement of air along the earth’s surface towards the equator

(d) None of the above

Option c – inflowing movement of air along the earth’s surface towards the equator

Which one of the following is not a correct example of a tropical cyclone?

(a) Tornadoes

(b) Typhoons

(c) Hurricanes

(d) Nor’westers

Option d – Nor’westers

Atmospheric pressure exerted on earth is due to:

(a) Gravitational pull of the earth

(b) Rotation of the earth

(c) Revolution of the earth

(d) Uneven heating of earth

Option a – Gravitational pull of the earth

The Sea breeze blows during:

(a) day from land to sea

(b) day from sea to land

(c) night from land to sea

(d) night from sea to land

Option b – day from sea to land

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