10th Board Exam History Paper

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10th Board Exam History Objective Paper for Students

Amir Khusro was one of the greatest writers and poets of early Medieval India. His account covers five sultans. Point out the one he does not cover:

(a) Balban

(b) Alauddin Khalji

(c) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq

(d) Mohammad-bin Tughlaq

Option d – Mohammad-bin Tughlaq

Of the places given below, pick up the one first conquered by Alauddin Khalji as the sultan of Delhi. ( 10th Board Exam History MCQ )

(a) Devagiri

(b) Malwa

(c) Gujarat

(d) Malabar

Option c – Gujarat

Who was appointed the first Governor of Devagiri after its annexation by the Sultanate?

(a) Rai Ram Chandra Dev

(b) Malik Yaklakhi

(c) Mubarak Khalji

(d) Khusro Khan

Option b – Malik Yaklakhi

Which of the following formed the eastern limit of the Sultanate in 1335? ( 10th Board Exam History MCQ )

(a) Jajnagar

(b) Peshawar

(c) Kalanaur

(d) Malwa

Option a – Jajnagar

Two principal monuments of Ala-ud-din Khalji’s reign, the Jama’at Khana Masjid, and Alai Darwaza were constructed at:

(a) Agra

(b) Delhi

(c) Dhar

(d) Gulbarga

Option b – Delhi

Which of the following Delhi sultans annexed Bengal and brought about the decline of the dynasty of Ilyas Khan? ( 10th Board Exam History MCQ )

(a) Alauddin Khalji

(b) Sher Shah Suri

(c) Sikandar Lodi

(d) Akbar

Option b – Sher Shah Suri

Which of the following was a tax that included house tax, grazing tax, irrigation tax, etc.?

(a) Kharaj

(b) Jaziya

(c) Khums

(d) Abwabs

Option d – Abwabs

“Raziya was endowed with all the qualities befitting a king, but she was not born of the right sex”. Who is credited with these lines? ( 10th Board Exam History MCQ )

(a) Al Beruni

(b) Amir Khusrau

(c) Minhaj Siraj

(d) Ibn Battutah

Option c – Minhaj Siraj

Which of the following contemporary Muslim writers criticized Alauddin for his disregard of religion?

(a) Barani

(b) Amir Khusro

(c) Alberuni

(d) Minhaj Siraj

Option a – Barani

In the Delhi Sultanate, the work of ‘Mustauf-i-Mamalik’ was related to which of the following?

(a) Auditing

(b) Charity

(c) Justice

(d) Military

Option a – Auditing

Alauddin Khalji captured the Delhi throne after securing fabulous wealth from: ( 10th Board Exam History MCQ )

(a) Chanderi

(b) Gujarat

(c) Devagiri

(d) Madurai

Option c – Devagiri

Who of the following was a contemporary of Chengiz Khan?

(a) Mahmud of Ghazni

(b) Iltutmish

(c) Alauddin Khalji

(d) Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq

Option b – Iltutmish

Which one of the following techniques was introduced by the Turks in the textile sector in India? ( 10th Board Exam History MCQ )

(a) Spinning wheel

(b) Tie-and-dye

(c) Hand spindle

(d) Weaver’s loom

Option a – Spinning wheel

Who among the following rulers was the builder of Jahan-Panah, Delhi’s fourth city?

(a) Sultan Shamsuddin Iltutmish

(b) Sultan Alauddin Khalji

(c) Sultan Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

(d) Sultan Sikandar Lodhi

Option c – Sultan Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

Which one of the following Kingdoms was annexed by Bahlol Lodhi, the Sultan of Delhi, in 1484 AD?

(a) Kashmir

(b) Jaunpur

(c) Nepal

(d) Gujarat

Option b – Jaunpur

Who was called ‘a slave of a slave’? ( 10th Board Exam History MCQ )

(a) Mohd. Ghori

(b) Qutubuddin Aibak

(c) Balban

(d) Iltutmish

Option d – Iltutmish

Who among the following composed poems with the pen name ‘Gulrukhi’?

(a) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(b) Bahlol Lodhi

(c) Sikandar Lodhi

(d) Ibrahim Lodhi

Option c – Sikandar Lodhi

Qismat-i khoti in the Delhi Sultanate was:

(a) a cash payment made by the state to the village headman

(b) a village assigned to a khot

(c) a small cess collected by the village head man from the peasants

(d) the revenue assessed on the land cultivated by the khots and muqaddams

Option c – a small cess collected by the village head man from the peasants

The structure of Qutab Minar was completed by: ( 10th Board Exam History MCQ )

(a) Aram Shah

(b) Qutbuddin Aibak

(c) Iltutmish

(d) Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Option b – Iltutmish

Which of the following is the oldest monument?

(a) Ajanta

(b) Qutab Minar

(c) Taj Mahal

(d) Khajuraho

Option a – Ajanta

The Sultan who called himself Naib-i-Khudai or Deputy of God was: ( 10th Board Exam History MCQ )

(a) Iltutmish

(b) Alauddin Khalji

(c) Balban

(d) Ghiasuddin Tughlaq

Option c – Balban

The first Muslim ruler to formulate the theory of Kingship similar to the theory of the divine right of the King was:

(a) Qutubuddin Aibak

(b) Alauddin Khilji

(c) Iltutmish

(d) Balban

Option d – Balban

Which of the following rulers in India challenged the authority of the Ulemas or Muslim clergy?

(a) Alauddin Khalji

(b) Balban

(c) Muhammad bin Tughlaq

(d) Sher Shah

Option a – Alauddin Khalji

Under which Sultan, Khalisa’s land increased considerably?

(a) Ghiyasuddin Balban

(b) Alauddin Khalji

(c) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

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(d) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

Option b – Alauddin Khalji

For his unbounded generosity, who amongst the following Sultans was titled by all writers of the time as ‘lakh Baksh’ or giver of lakhs?

(a) Nasir-ud-din-Mahmud

(b) Balban

(c) Qutubud-din Aibak

(d) Sikander Lodhi

Option c – Qutubud-din Aibak

What was the boundary between the Delhi Sultan and Mongols during the period of Alauddin Khilji after 1306 A.D.?

(a) Beas

(b) Ravi

(c) Indus

(d) Sutlaj

Option c – Indus

Multan was named by the Arabs as:

(a) City of Beauty

(b) City of Wealth

(c) City of Gold

(d) Pink City

Option c – City of Gold

Who among the following enjoyed the patronage of Sultans from Balban to Ghiyas-ud-Din Tughlaq?

(a) Ibn Batutah

(b) Badauni

(c) Zia-ud-din Barani

(d) Amir Khusro

Option d – Amir Khusro

Who was the Delhi Sultan to impose Jaziyah even on the Brahmins?

(a) Ala-ud-din Khalji

(b) Firuz Tughluq

(c) Muhammad Tughluq

(d) Balban

Option b – Firuz Tughluq

The first Muslim incursions on Deccan occurred during the reign of:

(a) Balban

(b) Raziya

(c) Jalaluddin Khalji

(d) Firoz Tughluq

Option c – Jalaluddin Khalji

Who did introduce the system of land measurement in India?

(a) Alauddin Khilji

(b) Sikandar Lodhi

(c) Sher Shah Suri

(d) Akbar

Option a – Alauddin Khilji

The Rihla was written in:

(a) Arabic in the fourteenth century by Ibn Battuta

(b) Persian in the fifteenth century by Abdur Razzaq

(c) Persian in the thirteenth century by Ibn Battuta

(d) Italian in the thirteenth century by Marco Polo

Option a – Arabic in the fourteenth century by Ibn Battuta

Who among the following was the author of the book ‘Kitab-i-Nauras’?

(a) Ibrahim Adil Shah II

(b) Ali Adil Shah

(c) Quli Qutab Shah

(d) Akbar II

Option a – Ibrahim Adil Shah II

The ruins of Vijayanagar (Hampi) were brought to public light in the year 1800 by the following British surveyor and engineer:

(a) James Prinsep

(b) Colin Mackenzie

(c) James Rennell

(d) Charles Metcalfe

Option b – Colin Mackenzie

Which of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?

(a) Devgiri – Shankar Dev

(b) Warangal – Ramchandra Dev

(c) Hoysal – Veer Ballal

(d) Madura – Veer Pandya

Option b – Warangal – Ramchandra Dev

The Vijayanagar rulers are remembered for promoting agriculture by

(a) building dams, tanks, and wells

(b) reducing tax on cultivated land

(c) providing market facilities for agricultural products

(d) purchasing food grains for the army

Option a – building dams, tanks, and wells

The main trading port of the Vijayanagar Empire on the western coast was

(a) Bhatkal

(b) Calicut

(c) Cannanore

(d) Goa

Option c – Cannanore

The Vijayanagar ruler who tried to strengthen his military position by recruiting thousands of Muslim mounted bowmen in his army was

(a) Bukkal

(b) Devaraya II

(c) Virupaksha Raya

(d) Vir Narasimha

Option b – Devaraya II

Which of the following foreigners did not visit India during the medieval period?

(a) Abdur Razzaq

(b) Marco Polo

(c) Athanasius Nikitin

(d) Deimachos

Option d – Deimachos

On the ruins of which Hindu kingdom was the kingdom of Golconda founded?

(a) Yadavas

(b) Hoysalas

(c) Kakatiyas

(d) Kalyani

Option c – Kakatiyas

Who were Alvars?

(a) Those who immersed in devotion to Vishnu

(b) Devotees of Shiva

(c) Those who worshipped abstract form of God

(d) Devotees of Shakti

Option a – Those who immersed in devotion to Vishnu

Which one of the following was not a Chishti Sufi saint?

(a) Khwaja Moinuddin

(b) Baba Fariduddin Ganj-i-Shakar

(c) Nizammuddin Auliya

(d) Shaikh Bahauddin Zakariya

Option d – Shaikh Bahauddin Zakariya

Who among the following does not belong to the Chishti order?

(a) Sheikh Moinuddin

(b) Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki

(c) Sheikh Nizamuddin Aulia

(d) Sheikh Abdul Jilani

Option d – Sheikh Abdul Jilani

The Sufi work kashf-ul-Mahjub was written by

(a) Abu’l Hasan al Hujwiri

(b) Moinuddin Chishti

(c) Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya

(d) Amir Khusrau

Option a – Abu’l Hasan al Hujwiri

Who is the author of the 16th-century Sanskrit text, the Vraja Bhakti Vilasa, which focuses on the Braj region in North India?

(a) Todar Mal

(b) Narayana Bhatta

(c) Chaitanya

(d) Rupa Goswami

Option b – Narayana Bhatta

Who were the Nayanars?

(a) Those who were immersed in devotion to Vishnu

(b) Those who were devotees of Buddha

(c) Leaders who were devotees of Shiva

(d) Leaders who were devotees of Basveshwara

Option c – Leaders who were devotees of Shiva

The successor of Sher Shah was

(a) Shujaat Khan

(b) Islam Shah

(c) Feroz Shah

(d) Muhammad Shah Adil

Option b – Islam Shah

Who among the following European travelers never returned to Europe and settled down in India?

(a) Duarte Barbosa

(b) Manucci

(c) Tavernier

(d) Bernier

Option b – Manucci

The important source for Akbar’s reign, Tarikh-i-Akbari was written by which one of the following Persian language scholars?

(a) Arif Qandahari

(b) Bayazid Bayat

(c) Abdul Qadir Badauni

(d) Nizamuddin Ahmad

Option a – Arif Qandahari

The aristocrat Muqarrab Khan was a great favorite of which Mughal Emperor?

(a) Akbar

(b) Aurangzeb

(c) Farrukhsiyar

(d) Shah Alam

Option b – Aurangzeb

According to the French traveler Tavernier, the majority of houses in Varanasi during the 17th century were made of

(a) brick and mud

(b) stone and thatch

(c) wood and stone

(d) brick and stone

Option d – brick and stone

Who wrote Tabaqat-i-Akbari?

(a) Abul Fazal

(b) Abdul Qadir Badauni

(c) Akbar Khan Sarwani

(d) Nizam-ud-din Ahmed

Option d – Nizam-ud-din Ahmed

Rana Pratap belonged to the Rajput dynasty of :

(a) Kachwa

(b) Sisodiya

(c) Solanki

(d) Paramara

Option b – Sisodiya

The Satnami rebellion took place during the reign of Mughal emperor :

(a) Akbar

(b) Jahangir

(c) Shah Jahan

(d) Aurangzeb

Option d – Aurangzeb

Which among the following systems of levying land revenue in Deccan prevalent was during the reign of Akbar?

(a) Kankut

(b) Number of ploughs

(c) Zabti

(d) Ghallabakshi

Option c – Zabti

Name the calligrapher in Akbar’s court who was honored with the title “Zarrin Kalam” or Golden Pen.

(a) Abul Fazl

(b) Tansen

(c) Muhammad Husayn

(d) Muhammad Kasim

Option c – Muhammad Husayn

Who among the following was the author of the Badshah Nama?

(a) Abdul Hamid Lahori

(b) Abul Fazl

(c) Shah Jahan

(d) Sadullah Khan

Option a – Abdul Hamid Lahori

Who amongst the following was the successor of Sikh Guru Har Krishan?

(a) Guru Angad Dev

(b) Guru Tegh Bahadur

(c) Guru Hargobind

(d) Guru Amar Das

Option b – Guru Tegh Bahadur

Banjaras during the medieval period of Indian history were generally :

(a) agriculturists

(b) warriors

(c) weavers

(d) traders

Option d – traders

With reference to the economic history of medieval India, the ‘Araghatta’ term refers to :

(a) bonded labor

(b) land grants made to military officers

(c) waterwheel used in the irrigation of land

(d) wasteland converted to cultivated land

Option c – waterwheel used in the irrigation of land

Who of the following members became an of the Din-i-llahi?

(a) Raja Man Singh

(b) Todarmal

(c) Tansen

(d) Raja Birbal

Option d – Raja Birbal

Who among the following foreign travelers visited India during the reign of Jahangir?

(a) Father Anthony Monserate

(b) Francisco Pelsaert

(c) Niccolo Manucci

(d) Francois Bernier

Option b – Francisco Pelsaert

With regard to the nature of the Mughal State, who among the following scholars argued that ‘the peculiar feature of the State in Mughal India was that it served not merely as the protective arm of the exploiting classes, but was itself the principal instrument of exploitation’?

(a) Irfan Habib

(b) Satish Chandra

(c) Athar Ali

(d) J. F. Richards

Option a – Irfan Habib

‘Hindustan is a country of few charms. Its people have no good looks … Which Mughal king had recorded this in his memoirs?

(a) Akbar

(b) Babar

(c) Humayun

(d) Shahjahan

Option b – Babar

The first Indian ruler to organize the Haj pilgrimage at the expense of the state was :

(a) Alauddin Khilji

(b) Firoz Tughlaq

(c) Akbar

(d) Aurangzeb

Option b – Firoz Tughlaq

Who amongst the following lost his kingdom in Hindustan but retrieved it after about 15 years in exile?

(a) Firoz Shah Tughlaq

(b) Ala-ud-din Khilji

(c) Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq

(d) Humayun

Option d – Humayun

The coin rupia was first issued by :

(a) Sher Shah

(b) Alauddin Khilji

(c) Akbar

(d) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

Option a – Sher Shah

Who was the ruler of medieval India who is credited with the building of the Grand Trunk Road?

(a) Babur

(b) Sher Shah Suri

(c) Jahangir

(d) Krishnadeva Raya

Option b – Sher Shah Suri

Since ages, the women of Maharashtra have proved themselves equal to men on the battlefield. Famous Chandbibi of Ahmednagar fought to protect her kingdom against :

(a) Mughals

(b) East India Company

(c) Adilshahi forces of Bijapur

(d) Nizam forces of Hyderabad

Option a – Mughals

Sher Shah died while fighting in :

(a) Chausa

(b) Kalinga

(c) Kalinjar

(d) None of these

Option c – Kalinjar

We covered all the 10th board exam history paper mcqs above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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