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Environmental Pollution MCQ

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Environmental Pollution MCQ. We covered all the Environmental Pollution MCQ in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on Environmental Pollution for Students

Which of the following metal is a water pollutant and causes sterility in human beings

(a) As

(b) Mn

(c) Mg

(d) Hg

Option b – Mn

Which causes the death of fish in water bodies polluted by sewage?

(a) Foul smell

(b) Pathogens

(c) Herbicides

(d) Decrease in D.O.

Option d – Decrease in D.O.

B.O.D. test or biochemical oxygen demand test is made for measuring

(a) air pollution

(b) water pollution

(c) noise pollution

(d) soil pollution

Option b – water pollution

The maximum prescribed concentration of cadmium in drinking water in ppm is

(a) 0.05

(b) 3

(c) 2

(d) 0.005

Option d – 0.005

Brewery and sugar factory waste alters the quality of a water body by increasing

(a) temperature

(b) turbidity

(c) pH

(d) COD and BOD

Option d – COD and BOD

Eutrophication causes a reduction in

(a) dissolved oxygen

(b) nutrients

(c) dissolved salts

(d) All of the above

Option a – dissolved oxygen

Sewage mostly constitutes

(a) Non-biodegradable pollutants

(b) Biodegradable pollutants

(c) Effluents

(d) Air pollutants

Option b – Biodegradable pollutants

The chief source of soil and water pollution is

(a) mining

(b) agro-industry

(c) thermal power plant

(d) All of the above

Option d – All of the above

The effect of polluted water on soil is, that

(a) it decreases fertility

(b) it contaminates groundwater

(c) it renders soil acidic or basic

(d) all of the above

Option d – All of the above

Thermal pollution affects mainly

(a) vegetation

(b) aquatic creatures

(c) rocks

(d) air

Option b – aquatic creatures

“Reducing potentially hazardous waste through smarter production”. This represents a great step forward for

(a) the green revolution

(b) green chemistry

(c) the industrial revolution

(d) green biotechnology

Option b – green chemistry

Lichens do not like to grow in cities

(a) because of the absence of the right type of algae and fungi

(b) because of lack of moisture

(c) because of SO₂ pollution

(d) because the natural habitat is missing

Option c – because of SO₂ pollution

The high amount of E. coli in water is an indicator of

(a) the hardness of water

(b) industrial pollution

(c) sewage pollution

(d) the presence of chlorine in the water

Option c – sewage pollution

The organisms that break down dead or organic matter and control pollution are

(a) Bacteria

(b) Fungi

(c) Both (i) & (ii)

(d) None of the above

Option c – Both (i) & (ii)

Biological magnification can be reduced by

(a) The use of chemicals

(b) Washing

(c) Heating and boiling food items

(d) None of the above

Option a – The use of chemicals

Ozone is entirely different from O₂ as

(a) Is present all over the atmosphere / or

(b) Is acidic

(c) Is a dead poison

(d) All the above

Option c – Is a dead poison

We should keep our environment

(a) Healthy

(b) Clean

(c) More Productive

(d) All of the above

Option d – All of the above

For plastic waste what is true is

(a) Heat and melting do lead to getting rid of soil pollution

(b) No enzymes can break it into smaller bits without causing pollution

(c) These are non-biodegradable

(d) All of these

Option c – These are non-biodegradable

Minamata disease in Japan is due to the pollution of

(a) Arsenic

(b) Lead

(c) Cyanide

(d) Mercury

Option d – Mercury

The gas(es) not responsible for ozone depletion :

(a) NO and freons

(b) SO₂

(c) CO₂

(d) Both (b) and (c)

Option d – Both (b) and (c)

In which of the following regions hydrogen and helium are found?

(a) Stratosphere

(b) Mesosphere

(c) Exosphere

(d) Troposphere

Option c – Exosphere

Which of the following is the major cause of global warming?

(a) re-radiation of U.V. rays by CO₂ and H₂O

(b) re-radiation of I.R. rays by CO2 and H₂O

(c) re-radiation of I.R. rays by O₂ and N₂

(d) re-radiation of U.V. rays by O₂ and N₂

Option b – re-radiation of I.R. rays by CO2 and H₂O

The region containing water vapor is

(a) thermosphere

(b) stratosphere

(c) troposphere

(d) mesosphere

Option c – troposphere

The biggest particulate matter is

(a) HNO3 droplets

(b) Soot

(c) H₂SO4 droplets

(d) Fly ash

Option d – Fly ash

The aromatic compounds present as particulates are

(a) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

(b) benzene

(c) toluene

(d) nitrobenzene

Option a – polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

We covered all the environmental pollution mcq above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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