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Piaget Kohlberg And Vygotsky Constructs And Critical Perspectives CTET MCQ

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Piaget Kohlberg And Vygotsky Constructs And Critical Perspectives CTET MCQ

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01 Shishir Mehta does not pay income tax despite legal procedures and expenses. He thinks that he cannot support a corrupt government that wastes millions of rupees in unnecessary expenditure on welfare measures to garner votes. He is probably in which state of Kohlberg’s stages of moral development?

  1. law and order morality
  2. social contract orientation
  3. universal ethical principle orientation
  4. none of the above

Option 3 – universal ethical principle orientation

02 Vygotsky emphasised the significance of the role played by which of the following factors in the learning of children?

  1. social
  2. hereditary
  3. moral
  4. physical

Option 1 – social

03 Which of the following statements may be attributed to Vygotsky?

  1. emotions vary from child to child
  2. culture and language play a significant role in child development
  3. children think logically
  4. children think in different ways from one another

Option 2 – culture and language play a significant role in child development

04 Vygotsky proposed that child development is

  1. a combination of accommodation and assimilation
  2. a result of social interaction
  3. due to genetic components of a culture
  4. a product of formal education

Option 2 – a result of social interaction

05 Vygotsky’s theory implies

  1. after initial explanation, do not support a child in solving difficult questions
  2. child will learn best in the company of children having IQ lesser than his/her own
  3. collaborative problem solving
  4. individual assignments to each student

Option 3 – collaborative problem solving

06 As a teacher who firmly believes in the social constructivist theory of Lev Vygotsky, which of the following methods would you prefer for assessing your students?

  1. standardized tests
  2. fact-based recail questions
  3. objective multiple-choice type questions
  4. collaborative projects

Option 4 – collaborative projects

07 ” Children actively construct their understanding of the world ” is a statement attributed to

  1. piaget
  2. pavlov
  3. kohlberg
  4. skinner

Option 1 – piaget

08 According to Piaget, at which of the following stages does a child begin to think logically about abstract prepositions?

  1. concrete operational stage (07-11 years)
  2. formal operational stage (11 years and up)
  3. sensori-motor stage (birth-02 years)
  4. pre-operational stage (02-07 years)

Option 2 – formal operational stage (11 years and up)

09 The stage in which a child begin to think logically about objects and events is known as

  1. sensori-motor stage
  2. formal operational stage
  3. pre-operational stage
  4. concrete operational stage

Option 4 – concrete operational stage

10 Four distinct stages of children’s intellectual development are identified by

  1. kohlberg
  2. erikson
  3. skinner
  4. piaget

Option 4 – piaget

11 Vygotsky emphasised the significance of the role played by which of the following factors in the learning of children?

  1. social
  2. hereditary
  3. moral
  4. physical

Option 1 – social

12 According to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, the sensori-motor stage is associated with

  1. concerns about social issues
  2. imitation, memory, and mental representation
  3. ability to solve problems in logical fashion
  4. ability to interpret and analyze options

Option 2 – imitation, memory, and mental representation

13 ‘ Development precedes learning. ‘ is a statement attributed to

  1. dewey
  2. vygotsky
  3. piaget
  4. bruner

Option 3 – piaget

14 Accommodation, according to Piaget’s cognitive development theory, means

  1. arrangement of perceptual and cognitive information into meaningful patterns
  2. equilibrium between previous knowledge and new knowledge
  3. adjusting to new ways of behaving and thinking by modifying existing cognitive structures
  4. finding the matching between existing cognitive structures and the environmental needs as they arise

Option 3 – adjusting to new ways of behaving and thinking by modifying existing cognitive structures

15 The concept of ‘ Zone of Proximal Development ‘ was given by

  1. piaget
  2. vygotsky
  3. kohlberg
  4. erikson

Option 1 – piaget

16 The difference between what the child can do now and what the child can do with adult guidance or that of more capable peers is known as

  1. area of optimal development
  2. region of cognitive development
  3. zone of proximal development
  4. concept of trivial development

Option 3 – zone of proximal development

17 With reference to Piaget’s key ideas, the realisation that objects or sets of objects stay the same even when they are turned around or made to look different is defined as

  1. decentration
  2. classification
  3. class inclusion
  4. conservation

Option 4 – conservation

18 With reference to Piaget’s key ideas, the process by which persons take the material into their minds from the environment, which may mean changing the evidence of their senses to make it fit, is called

  1. fixation
  2. assimilation
  3. accommodation
  4. adaptation

Option 2 – assimilation

19 In constructivism, as followed by Piaget,

  1. education is behaviorist in nature
  2. children participate passively in learning
  3. education is teacher-centered
  4. education is child-centered

Option 4 – education is child-centered

20 In which stage of cognitive development, according to Piaget, do children display object permanence?

  1. formal operational stage
  2. concrete operational stage
  3. pre-operational stage
  4. sensori-motor stage

Option 4 – sensori-motor stage

21 When sonu was 6 months old, he played with a teddy bear, but when his view of the bear was blocked (i.e he could not see the bear), he did not look for it. Now sonu is 18 months old and searches for the teddy bear when he cannot see it. This shows in sonu the presence of the quality of

  1. assimilation
  2. adaptation
  3. self-differentiation
  4. object permanence

Option 4 – object permanence

22 A one year old child is likely to learn something in the ‘Zone of proximal development’ if

  1. parents or others do not interfere
  2. the task is more difficult than the child can do alone
  3. the child has mastered the skills necessary
  4. the child needs little or no help from anybody

Option 2 – the task is more difficult than the child can do alone

23 Which one of the following is not to basic feature of pre-operational period, according to piaget?

  1. transformation
  2. centration
  3. conservation
  4. decentration

Option 4 – decentration

24 Kohlberg’s theory of moral development as a follow-up of Piaget’s theory was a result of

  1. observing children in action
  2. creating game-like situations
  3. creating moral dilemmas for people
  4. talking to parents

Option 3 – creating moral dilemmas for people

25 According to Kohlberg, at which level is morality externally controlled? ( Piaget Kohlberg And Vygotsky Constructs And Critical Perspectives CTET MCQ )

  1. pre-conventional level
  2. conventional level
  3. post-conventional level
  4. none of the above

Option 1 – pre-conventional level

26 Which one of the following is not a part of stage proposed by Kohlberg in his Theory of Moral Development?

  1. self-interest and reward
  2. relationships with others
  3. social contract and social rights
  4. following universal ethical principles

Option 3 – social contract and social rights

27 Sameera returned the book she took from Malti’s bag because she was afraid of being punished if she was caught. This illustrates Kohlberg’s

  1. pre-conventional level
  2. conventional level
  3. post-conventional level
  4. pre-operational level

Option 1 – pre-conventional level

28 Children at school follow the code of conduct decided by their teachers. Which level of moral development is shown here?

  1. pre-conventional
  2. conventional
  3. post-conventional
  4. none of the above

Option 3 – post-conventional

29 According to Kohlberg, a teacher can instil moral values in children by

  1. giving strict instructions on how to behave
  2. involving them in discussions on moral issues
  3. laying down clearly rules of behavior
  4. giving importance to religious teachings

Option 2 – involving them in discussions on moral issues

30 Which of the following is a characteristic of Kohlberg’s stages of moral devlopment? ( Piaget Kohlberg And Vygotsky Constructs And Critical Perspectives CTET MCQ )

  1. universal sequence of stages across all cultures
  2. stages proceed in a non-hierarchic manner
  3. variable sequence of stages
  4. stages are isolated responses and not a general pattern

Option 1 – universal sequence of stages across all cultures

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