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Class 9 Chapter 1 Biology MCQ

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Class 9 Chapter 1 Biology MCQ. We covered all the Class 9 Chapter 1 Biology MCQ in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ of Class 9 Biology for Students

The term “Species” is coined by

1. Linnaeus

2. John Ray

3. Aristotle

4. None

Option 2 – John Ray

Homo sapiens is the scientific name for

1. Monkeys

2. Horses

3. Mans

4. Dogs

Option 3 – Mans

The fungus among the following is

1. Toadstools

2. Mushroom

3. Slime moulds

4. All

Option 4 – All

Doctor of first century AD in India who described plants and animals is

1. Dhanwantari

2. Charaka

3. Sushruta

4. None

Option 2 – Charaka

Roundworm belong to

1. Annelida

2. Protozoa

3. Nematoda

4. All

Option 3 – Nematoda

Mosses and Liverworts belong to

1. Angiosperms

2. Bryophytes

3. Gymno sperms

4. All

Option 2 – Bryophytes

Hydra is a

1. Protozoan

2. Coelenterate

3. Both

4. None

Option 2 – Coelenterate

The scientist who introduced the Binomial system of nomenclature

1. John Ray

2. Aristotle

3. Linneaus

4. None

Option 3 – Linneaus

First taxonomist is

1. John Ray

2. Aristotle

3. Linneaus

4. None

Option 2 – Aristotle

Who introduced microscope in biology?

1. Aristotle

2. Harvey

3. Pasteur

4. Leeuwenhock

Option 4 – Leeuwenhock

Who discovered vaccine for anthrox disease in sheep?

1. Leeuwenhock

2. Lamark

3. Pasteur

4. Harvey

Option 3 – Pasteur

Who was given Nobel Prize for work on Malaria?

1. Leeuwenhock

2. Pasteur

3. Harvey

4. Ronald Ross

Option 4 – Ronald Ross

Where did Mr Ronald Ross carry his work on Malaria?

1. Bangalore

2. New Delhi

3. Madrid

4. Hyderabad

Option 4 – Hyderabad

Pasterurisation is a method for preserving

1. Eggs

2. Meat

3. Milk

4. Fruits

Option 3 – Milk

Antibiotics kill

1. Bacteria

2. Moss

3. Animals

4. Plants

Option 1 – Bacteria

The term biology was first used by

1. Aristotle

2. Lamarck

3. Columbus

4. Devries

Option 4 – Devries

Who is considered as the father of biology?

1. Leeqwenhock

2. Harvey

3. Aristotle

4. Devries

Option 3 – Aristotle

Aristotle started ……… into biology.

1. Careful observation into biology

2. Inductive method into biology

3. Scientific method of inquiry into biology

4. Deductive method of inquiry into biology

Option 3 – Scientific method of inquiry into biology

We covered all the class 9 chapter 1 biology mcq above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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