DBMS MCQ for Competitive Exams

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DBMS MCQ for Competitive Exams. We covered all the DBMS MCQ for Competitive Exams in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Sub-Queries cannot

a) Use group by

b) Relative Data

c) Join Tables

d) Appear in DML Statements

Option c – Join Tables

Insert statement is ………. command

a) Query

b) Relational

c) DML

d) DDL

Option b – Relational

Aggregate functions are those which take ………. as input and retrieve a single Value

a) Collection of values

b) Single value

c) Aggregate value

d) Both a & b

Option a – Collection of values

Which of the following are network services

a) File service

b) Print Service

c) Database Service

d) All

Option d – All

Which one of the following is used to define the structure of relation?

a) DML

b) DDL

c) Query

d) Relational Schema

Option b – DDL

Which of the following provides the ability to query information from the Database

a) DML

b) DDL

c) Query

d) Relational Schema

Option a – DML

Select * from employee; what type of statement is it

a) DML

b) DDL

c) View

d) Integrity Constraint

Option a – DML

To remove a relation from an SQL database we use ……. command.

a) Delete

b) Purge

c) Remove

d) Drop table

Option d – Drop table

Update that violate ……. are disallowed.

a) Transaction Control

b) Authorization

c) DDL Commands

d) Integrity Constraints

Option d – Integrity Constraints

Which of the following is not aggregate function?

a) avg

b) sum

c) with

d) min

Option c – with

We covered all the DBMS MCQ for competitive exams above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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