History Online Test in Hindi

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History Online Test in Hindi. We covered all the History Online Test in Hindi MCQs in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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History Online Test Objective in Hindi for Students

The Vijayanagar rulers are remembered for promoting agriculture by

(a) building dams, tanks, and wells

(b) reducing tax on cultivated land

(c) providing market facilities for agricultural products

(d) purchasing food grains for the army

Option a - building dams, tanks, and wells

The main trading port of the Vijayanagar Empire on the western coast was

(a) Bhatkal

(b) Calicut

(c) Cannanore

(d) Goa

Option c - Cannanore

The Vijayanagar ruler who tried to strengthen his military position by recruiting thousands of Muslim mounted bowmen in his army was

(a) Bukkal

(b) Devaraya II

(c) Virupaksha Raya

(d) Vir Narasimha

Option b - Devaraya II

Which of the following foreigners did not visit India during the medieval period?

(a) Abdur Razzaq

(b) Marco Polo

(c) Athanasius Nikitin

(d) Deimachos

Option d - Deimachos

On the ruins of which Hindu kingdom was the kingdom of Golconda founded?

(a) Yadavas

(b) Hoysalas

(c) Kakatiyas

(d) Kalyani

Option c - Kakatiyas

We covered all the history online test in Hindi mcqs above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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