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PIAGET KOHLBERG AND VYGOTSKY Constructs And Critical Perspectives MCQ

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PIAGET KOHLBERG AND VYGOTSKY Constructs And Critical Perspectives MCQ

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01 According to Piaget, a child between 2 to 7 years is in the ……… stage of cognitive development

  1. formal operational
  2. concrete operational
  3. sensory motor
  4. pre-operational

Option 4 – pre-operational

02 The process of changing the existing schemas to include new information is called

  1. assimilation
  2. accommodation
  3. ego-centrism
  4. adaptation

Option 1 – assimilation

03 ……… views children as active builders of knowledge and little scientists who construct their own theories of the world

  1. skinner
  2. pavlov
  3. jung
  4. piaget

Option 4 – piaget

04 Which one of the following is a correctly matched pair?

  1. concrete operational child : is able to conserve and classify
  2. formal operational child : imitation begins, imaginary play
  3. infancy : applies logic and is able to infer
  4. pre-operational child : deductive thought

Option 1 – concrete operational child : is able to conserve and classify

05 According to Piaget, children’s thinking differs in …….. from adults than in ………

  1. amount, kind
  2. size, correctness
  3. kind, amount
  4. size, type

Option 3 – kind, amount

06 Which one of the following is an example of scaffolding?

  1. giving prompts and cues and asking questions at critical junctures
  2. giving motivational lectures to students
  3. offering explanations without encouraging questioning
  4. offering both material and non-material rewards

Option 1 – giving prompts and cues and asking questions at critical junctures

07 According to Vygotsky, childen learn

  1. when reinforcement is offered
  2. by maturation
  3. by imitation
  4. by interacting with adults and peers

Option 4 – by interacting with adults and peers

08 Kohlberg has given

  1. the stages of cognitive development
  2. the stages of physical development
  3. the stages of emotional development
  4. the stages of moral development

Option 4 – the stages of moral development

09 According to Lev Vygotsky, the primary cause of cognitive development is

  1. social interaction
  2. adjustment of mental schemas
  3. stimulus-response pairing
  4. equilibration

Option 1 – social interaction

10 In the context of Kohlberg’s stages of moral reasoning, under which stage would the given typical response of a child fall? ” Your parents will be proud of you if you are honest. So you should be honest.”

  1. social contract orientation
  2. good girl – good boy orientation
  3. law and order orientation
  4. punishment – obedience orientation

Option 2 – good girl – good boy orientation

11 According to Jean Piaget, which of the following is necessary for learning?

  1. observing the behavior of adults
  2. belief in imminent justice
  3. reinforcement by teachers and parents
  4. active exploration of the environment by the learner

Option 4 – active exploration of the environment by the learner

12 A 5 years old girl talks to herself while trying to fold a T-shirt. Which of the following statements is correct in the context of the behaviour displayed by the girl?

  1. Jean Piaget would explain this as egocentric speech, while Ley Vygotsky would explain this as the child’s attempt to regulate her actions through private speech
  2. Jean Piaget would explain this as social interaction, while Lev Vygotsky would explain this as an exploration
  3. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky would explain this as the child’s attempt to imitate her mother
  4. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky would explain this as the egocentric nature of the child’s thoughts

Option 1 – Jean Piaget would explain this as egocentric speech, while Ley Vygotsky would explain this as the child’s attempt to regulate her actions through private speech

13 According to Kohlberg, a teacher can instil moral values in children by

  1. giving strict instructions on ‘how to behave’
  2. giving importance to religious teachings
  3. laying clear rules of behavior
  4. involving them in discussions on moral issues

Option 4 – involving them in discussions on moral issues

14 Vygotsky’s theory implies

  1. after initial explanation, do not support a child in solving difficult questions
  2. child will learn best in the company of children having IQ lesser than his/her own
  3. collaborative problem solving
  4. individual assignments to each student

Option 3 – collaborative problem solving

15 A teacher wishes to help her students to appreciate multiple views of a situation. She provides her students multiple opportunities to debate on this situation in different groups. According to Vygotsky’s perspective, her students will ………… various views and develop multiple perspectives of the situation on thier own

  1. rationalize
  2. internalise
  3. construct
  4. operationalize

Option 2 – internalise

16 Sita has learned to eat rice and dal with her hand. When she is given dal and rice, she mixes rice and dal and starts eating. She has ………. eating rice and dal into her schema for doing things

  1. initiated
  2. accommodated
  3. assimilated
  4. appropriated

Option 3 – assimilated

17 Which of the following is based on Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory?

  1. operant conditioning
  2. reciprocal teaching
  3. culture-neutral cognitive development
  4. insight learning

Option 2 – reciprocal teaching

18 A teacher says to her class, ” As individual assignments are designed to help individual students learn more effectively, all students should complete assignments prescribed without any assistance”. She is referring to which of the following stages of Kohlberg’s moral development?

  1. conventional stage 4 – law and order
  2. post-conventional stage 5 – social contract
  3. pre-conventional stage 1 – punishment
  4. pre-conventional stage 2 – individualism and exchange

Option 2 – post-conventional stage 5 – social contract

19 Cognitive development is supported by

  1. conducting relevant and well-defined tests as frequently as possible
  2. preserving activities that reinforce traditional methods
  3. providing a rich and varied environment
  4. focusing more on individual activities in comparison to collaboration

Option 3 – providing a rich and varied environment

20 In Vygotsky’s theory, which aspect of development gets neglected?

  1. social
  2. cultural
  3. biological
  4. linguistic

Option 3 – biological

21 Ria does not agree with Rishabh about setting up a class picnic. She thinks that the rules can be revised to suit the majority. This kind of peer disagreement, according to Piaget refers to

  1. heteronomous morality
  2. cognitive immaturity
  3. reaction
  4. morality of cooperation

Option 4 – morality of cooperation

22 Which of the following stages are involved when infants ‘Think’ with their eyes, ears and hands?

  1. concrete operational stage
  2. pre-operational stage
  3. sensory motor stage
  4. formal operational stage

Option 3 – sensory motor stage

23 The teacher noticed that Pushpa cannot solve a problem on her own. However, she does so in the presence of adult or peer guidance. This guidance is called

  1. lateralisation
  2. pre-operational thinking
  3. zone of proximal development
  4. scaffolding

Option 4 – scaffolding

24 Fitting new information into existing schemas is known as

  1. accommodation
  2. equilibration
  3. assimilation
  4. organisation

Option 3 – assimilation

25 According to Piaget’s theory, which one out of the following will not influence cognitive development?

  1. language
  2. social experiences
  3. maturation
  4. activity

Option 2 – social experiences

26 In Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory, which level signifies the absence of morality in the true sense? ( PIAGET KOHLBERG AND VYGOTSKY Constructs And Critical Perspectives MCQ )

  1. level III
  2. level IV
  3. level I
  4. level II

Option 3 – level I

27 According to the pre-conventional level of Kohlberg’s theory, to which of the following would an individual turn when making a moral decision?

  1. personal needs and desires
  2. individual values
  3. family expectations
  4. potential punishment involved

Option 4 – potential punishment involved

28 Which one of the following statements about children would Vygotsky agree with? ( PIAGET KOHLBERG AND VYGOTSKY Constructs And Critical Perspectives MCQ )

  1. children learn when they are offered lucrative rewards
  2. children’s thinking can be understood by conducting laboratory experiments on animals
  3. children are born evil and need to be controlled through punishment
  4. children learn through interaction with peers and adults

Option 4 – children learn through interaction with peers and adults

29 When adults adjust to the assistance they provide to facilitate the progression of the child from current level of performance to potential level of performance, it is called

  1. scaffolding
  2. participatory learning
  3. collaborative learning
  4. proximal development

Option 1 – scaffolding

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