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Environmental Studies Pollutants TS TET MCQ

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Environmental Studies Pollutants TS TET MCQ. We covered all the Environmental Studies Pollutants TS TET MCQ in this post for completely free, it helps you to prepare for both TS TET as well as TS DSC exams.

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01 The poisonous gas in the air is …….

  1. hydrogen
  2. nitro carbons
  3. carbon monoxide
  4. none

Option 3 – carbon monoxide

02 Ozone layer is damaged due to …..

  1. carbon dioxide
  2. nitro carbons
  3. chloro fluoro carbons
  4. none

Option 3 – chloro fluoro carbons

03 Carboxy hemoglobin is formed by the hemoglobin mixed with …..

  1. carbon monoxide
  2. headache
  3. a and b
  4. none

Option 1 – carbon monoxide

04 The diseases we get if we breathe polluted air ……

  1. asthma
  2. headache
  3. a and b
  4. none

Option 3 – a and b

05 Oxygen in air is ……

  1. 20%
  2. 21%
  3. 22%
  4. none

Option 2 – 21%

06 Nitrogen in air is ……

  1. 78%
  2. 77%
  3. 76%
  4. none

Option 1 – 78%

07 The hot air is sent out through the …..

  1. doors
  2. windows
  3. ventilators
  4. none

Option 3 – ventilators

08 Cyclones, storms are caused by …….. pressure in the atmosphere

  1. high
  2. low
  3. normal
  4. none

Option 2 – low

09 In kitchens, bathrooms the polluted air sent out by …..

  1. exhaust fan
  2. selling fan
  3. table fan
  4. none

Option 1 – exhaust fan

10 Water sources in deserts are …..

  1. lakes
  2. canals
  3. oases
  4. none

Option 3 – oases

11 Complete salt water present in …….

  1. rivers
  2. seas
  3. wells
  4. none

Option 2 – seas

12 Percentage of water suitable to us on the earth …..

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

Option 1 – 1

13 It is better to drink at least ……. glasses of water everyday

  1. 5
  2. 10
  3. 15
  4. 20

Option 2 – 10

14 Pure and drinking water is …….

  1. odorless
  2. colorless
  3. a and b
  4. none

Option 3 – a and b

15 The pollutants which affect on nervous system is ……

  1. household wastes
  2. industrial wastes
  3. agricultural wastes
  4. none

Option 2 – industrial wastes

16 The polluted water causes ……

  1. cholera
  2. diarrhea
  3. a and b
  4. none

Option 2 – diarrhea

17 Purifying water is …….

  1. river
  2. seas
  3. protected water scheme
  4. none

Option 3 – protected water scheme

18 Cloth only filters ……

  1. chemical substances
  2. solid substances
  3. liquid wastes
  4. none

Option 2 – solid substances

19 Mud water can be purified by ……..

  1. decantation
  2. filtration
  3. chlorination
  4. none

Option 1 – decantation

20 Decantation takes place in …….

  1. filtration tank
  2. chlorination tank
  3. sedimentation tank
  4. none

Option 3 – sedimentation tank

21 Sea water is purified …….

  1. by boiling
  2. by cooling
  3. by filtration
  4. none

Option 1 – by boiling

22 The shape of earth is ……

  1. round
  2. spherical
  3. rectangle
  4. none

Option 2 – spherical

23 The serial number of our earth among planets around the sun is …….

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. none

Option 3 – 3

24 Phases of the moon take place in ……. days

  1. every 20
  2. every 16
  3. every 15
  4. none

Option 3 – every 15

25 0 latitudes is called as ……

  1. middle latitude
  2. half latitude
  3. equator
  4. none

Option 3 – equator

26 Number of latitudes on each hemisphere is ……

  1. 180
  2. 90
  3. 270
  4. none

Option 2 – 90

27 Total number of longitudes on the earth …….

  1. 180
  2. 90
  3. 360
  4. none

Option 3 – 360

28 Latitude of tropic cancer is …..

  1. 23 1/2 north latitude
  2. 23 1/2 south latitude
  3. 0 middle latitude
  4. none

Option 1 – 23 1/2 north latitude

29 The time taken for changing one longitude to another

  1. 1 minute
  2. 2 minutes
  3. 4 minutes
  4. none

Option 3 – 4 minutes

We covered all the Environmental Studies Pollutants TS TET MCQ above so that you can prepare for all competitive exams.

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