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Environmental Studies Shelter TS TET MCQ

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Environmental Studies Shelter TS TET MCQ. We covered all the Environmental Studies Shelter TS TET MCQ in this post for completely free. You can prepare for both TS TET and TS DSC exams using the below provided MCQs.

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01 Give an example to last long house

  1. bungalow
  2. hut
  3. tiled house
  4. none

Option 1 – bungalow

02 Multi-storied buildings or apartments are for

  1. bungalow
  2. hut
  3. tiled house
  4. none

Option 3 – tiled house

03 Give an example to kaccha house

  1. bungalow
  2. hut
  3. tiled house
  4. none

Option 2 – hut

04 Sparrow lives ……

  1. in holes
  2. on trees
  3. in nests
  4. none

Option 3 – in nests

05 Mosquitoes lives in ……

  1. small plants
  2. dirty plants
  3. tree holes
  4. none

Option 2 – dirty plants

06 The sun sets in the …….

  1. east
  2. west
  3. north
  4. south

Option 2 – west

07 The magnetic compass needle shows always ……..

  1. north
  2. south
  3. north and south
  4. south

Option 3 – north and south

08 Lung diseases caused by …….

  1. liquid wastes
  2. gaseous wastes
  3. garbages
  4. none

Option 2 – gaseous wastes

09 In the wet garbage pits we may put some ……

  1. earth worms
  2. ants
  3. cockroaches
  4. none

Option 1 – earth worms

10 Polythene bags will decay in …..

  1. 100 years
  2. 10,000 years
  3. 1000000 years
  4. none

Option 3 – 1000000 years

11 The middle of the tongue gives

  1. sweet taste
  2. bitter taste
  3. salty taste
  4. none

Option 3 – salty taste

12 The organs which give us knowledge about us and our surroundings are called

  1. body organs
  2. sense organs
  3. organs
  4. none

Option 2 – sense organs

13 While reading, the distance between the book and our eyes is about

  1. 60 centimeters
  2. 40 centimeters
  3. 30 centimeters
  4. none

Option 3 – 30 centimeters

14 The sense organ which gives us knowledge about touch is

  1. skin
  2. tongue
  3. nose
  4. none

Option 1 – skin

15 The respiratory organs are …..

  1. nose
  2. windpipe
  3. lungs
  4. all

Option 4 – all

16 Impure blood contains ……

  1. carbon dioxide
  2. oxygen
  3. dust particles
  4. nitrogen

Option 1 – carbon dioxide

17 Changing lime water into a milky white solution is the property of …….

  1. oxygen
  2. carbon dioxide
  3. oxygen
  4. nitrogen

Option 2 – carbon dioxide

18 Pure blood contains ……

  1. carbon dioxide
  2. hydrogen
  3. oxygen
  4. nitrogen

Option 3 – oxygen

19 When electricity passes through our body, we get …..

  1. short circuit
  2. dazzles
  3. electric shock
  4. none

Option 3 – electric shock

20 When accidents occur in cities dial ……

  1. 104
  2. 108
  3. 111
  4. none

Option 2 – 108

21 We should be careful with fire and ……

  1. water
  2. doctor
  3. hot objects
  4. none

Option 3 – hot objects

22 The seeds germinate and grow into plants by the presence of …..

  1. light only
  2. light and soil only
  3. soil, light, water and air only
  4. none

Option 3 – soil, light, water and air only

23 Organisms do not produce energy in the absence of …..

  1. air
  2. carbondioxide
  3. hydrogen
  4. none

Option 1 – air

24 An agarbathi produces ….

  1. smoke
  2. fragrance
  3. smoke and fragrance
  4. none

Option 3 – smoke and fragrance

25 The smoke from vehicles and factories contain …..

  1. carbon monoxide
  2. carbon dioxide
  3. a and b
  4. none

Option 3 – a and b

26 Dust particles cause ……..

  1. lung diseases
  2. heart diseases
  3. stomach diseases
  4. none

Option 1 – lung diseases

We covered all the Environmental Studies Shelter TS TET MCQ above so that you can prepare well for both TS TET and TS DSC exams for completely free.

Check out the latest MCQ content by visiting our mcqtube website homepage.

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