World Geography MCQs with Answers

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MCQ on World Geography for Students

Which one is wrongly matched?

1. Pygmies-Zaire Basin

2. Veddas-Nepal

3. Kikuyu-Kenya

4. Papuans-New Guinea

Option 2 – Veddas-Nepal

Deltas with tooth like projections at their mouths along a straight coast are called

1. Bird – foot delta

2. Estuarine

3. Cuspate delta

4. Arcuate delta

Option 3 – Cuspate delta

The most important activity of the tundra region is

1. fish farming

2. cattle rearing

3. hunting

4. cropping

Option 3 – hunting

Grozny is famous for the production of

1. Petroleum

2. Uranium

3. Gold

4. Thorium

Option 1 – Petroleum

What is the most important crop of the temperate grasslands?

1. date

2. citrus fruit

3. cereals

4. sugarcane

Option 3 – cereals

Which area is important for soft wood forests?

1. monsoon regions

2. mid-latitude deserts

3. tundra regions

4. cold temperate regions

Option 4 – cold temperate regions

The largest producer of groundnuts is

1. India

2. Sudan

3. Brazil

4. China

Option 1 – India

Which country is the largest producer of tobacco?

1. China

2. India

3. Brazil

4. USA

Option 1 – China

The largest quantity of barley is produced in

1. India

2. USA

3. Russia

4. China

Option 3 – Russia

The largest producer of long staple cotton is

1. USA

2. UAE

3. Sudan

4. China

Option 1 – USA

Which country has the largest cattle population?

1. USA

2. Australia

3. India

4. Denmark

Option 3 – India

India is a leading producer of

1. Meat

2. Pork

3. Butter and ghee

4. Cheese

Option 3 – Butter and ghee

Fruits and vegetables are grown for export in

1. Israel

2. Holland

3. Egypt

4. Mauritius

Option 2 – Holland

The largest producers of mutton are

1. New Zealand and Australia

2. USA and Australia

3. Argentina and Australia

4. Argentina and New Zealand

Option 1 – New Zealand and Australia

Iron is obtained mostly from

1. haematite

2. magnetite

3. siderite

4. iron pyrites

Option 1 – haematite

The largest producer of mercury is

1. USA

2. Canada

3. Italy

4. Spain

Option 4 – Spain

Republic of Congo is one of the leading producers of

1. coal

2. diamond

3. oil

4. lead

Option 2 – diamond

The world’s largest producer of nitrogenous fertilizer is

1. China

2. USA

3. Japan

4. France

Option 1 – China

The leading producers of rock phosphate are

1. Mexico and USA

2. USA and Russia

3. France and Russia

4. Spain and USA

Option 2 – USA and Russia

Which country of the world is the largest exporter of cardamom?

1. India

2. China

3. Brazil

4. Sri Lanka

Option 1 – India

Which country is the leading produce of automobiles ?

1. China

2. Japan

3. Russia

4. USA

Option 4 – USA

Which of the following countries has attained replacement level population growth?

1. France

2. China

3. Sudan

4. Iran

Option 1 – France

Which countries are separated by the Durand Line?

1. India and Pakistan

2. India and Afghanistan

3. India and China

4. China and Russia

Option 2 – India and Afghanistan

Which of the following is a warm current ?

1. Oya Shio current

2. Kuro Shio current

3. Okhotsk current

4. Peru current

Option 2 – Kuro Shio current

Most of the people of the middle-east belong to the following group of people

1. Alpine

2. Mediterranean

3. Nordic

4. Negro

Option 2 – Mediterranean

What is the name given to native American Indians?

1. Bushmen

2. Alpine

3. Amerinds

4. Mestizoes

Option 3 – Amerinds

The homeland of the Yakuts is

1. Iran

2. Russian tundra

3. Kenya

4. North India

Option 2 – Russian tundra

The indigenous people living in the steppes of the Russia are the

1. Kirghiz

2. Tuareg

3. Bushmen

4. Bhils

Option 1 – Kirghiz

We covered all the world geography MCQs with answers above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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