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Basic Computer Online Test in Hindi

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Basic Computer Online Test in Hindi. We covered all the Basic Computer Online Test in Hindi in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Computer Basics Mock Test for Students

FORTRAN was initially developed in …….. for its 704 computers ?

1. Microsoft

2. BPM

3. IBM


Option 3 - IBM

FORTRAN - 77 was released by

1. IBM


3. Microsoft

4. BPM

Option 2 - ANSI

COBOL stands for

1. Common of business oriented language

2. Common business oriented language

3. Both 1 and 2

4. None of these

Option 2 - Common business oriented language

COBOL was first developed by the

1. Conference on data systems languages.

2. Common on data systems language

3. Conference on data software language

4. None of these

Option 1 - Conference on data systems languages

COBOL was first developed in which year

1. 1959-65

2. 1956-1957

3. 1959-60

4. 1959-1962

Option 3 - 1959-60

NSI standardized COBOL in

1. 1967

2. 1968

3. 1965

4. 1959

Option 2 - 1968

COBOL program is divided into

1. Identification division

2. Environment division

3. Data division

4. Procedure division

5. All of the above

Option 5 - All of the above

BASIC stands for

1. Beginners all purpose systematic institution code

2. Beginners all purpose systematic instruction course

3. Beginners all purpose symbolic instruction code

4. None of these

Option 2 - Beginners all purpose systematic instruction course

A program written in a high level language such as COBOL or C is called as …….

1. Application program

2. Source program

3. Assembler program

4. None of these

Option 2 - Source program

When a compiler translates it into machine lan guage it becomes an ………

1. Source program

2. Application language

3. Object program

4. All of the above

Option 3 - Object program

A compiler is language specific in two respects the high level language as well as

1. Body language

2. Machine language

3. Application language

4. None of these

Option 2 - Machine language

FORTRAN stands for

1. Formula transfer

2. Formula translation

3. Formation translation

4. None of these

Option 2 - Formula translation

In which year FORTRAN was developed …….?

1. 1952

2. 1951

3. 1957

4. 1947

Option 3 - 1957

We covered all the basic computer online test in hindi above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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