Tamil Class 10 MCQ Questions

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Tamil Class 10 MCQ Questions. We covered all the Tamil Class 10 MCQ Questions in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Tamil Class 10 MCQ Objective Questions for Students

A computer virus is

A) A computer program that can replicate itself

B) A virus that affects the health of human beings

C) Both of the above

D) None of the above

Option a - A computer program that can replicate itself

A computer virus is a

A) Destructive program

B) Utility program

C) Firewall

D) None of the above

Option a - Destructive program

Computer virus means

A) A new virus

B) Plague virus

C) Destructive program

D) Hardware of the computer

Option c - Destructive program

A program that has the capability to infect other programs, make copies of itself, and spread into other programs is called

A) Worm

B) Virus

C) Trojan

D) None of these

Option b - Virus

Yahoo, Google, and MSN are

A) Internet sites

B) Computer brands

C) Watches manufactured in Switzerland

D) Rings of Saturn

Option a - Internet sites

Which web browser was developed by Google?

A) Internet Explorer

B) Firefox

C) Safari

D) Chrome

Option d - Chrome

Which of the following is not a Web browser?

A) Opera

B) Google Apps

C) Vivaldi

D) Mozilla Firefox

Option b - Google Apps

WiMAX is related to which one of the following?

A) Biotechnology

B) Space technology

C) Missile technology

D) Communication technology

Which one of the following is not a computer term?





Option c - SIM

A computer virus is a

A) Fungus

B) Bacterium

C) IC7344

D) Software program

Option d - Software program

What is the virus that spreads on the computer?

A) Hardware

B) Computer program

C) Ant

D) System software

Option b - Computer program

We covered all the tamil class 10 mcq questions above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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