MCQ of What is Democracy and Why Democracy

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MCQ of What is Democracy and Why Democracy. We covered all the MCQ of What is Democracy and Why Democracy in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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MCQ on What is Democracy for Students

Right to live is a right of

1. Economic

2. Political

3. Moral

4. Social

Option 4 – Social

Right to work is called a right of

1. Social

2. Political

3. Economic

4. Legal

Option 3 – Economic

If prisoners demand medical facilities for them. We may call this demand as their …….. right.

1. Economic

2. Social

3. Political

4. Legal

Option 2 – Social

The rights that are absolutely necessary for a human being to live and prosper well in a society are called ……. rights.

1. Legal

2. Moral

3. Social

4. Fundamental

Option 4 – Fundamental

Respect towards parents, teachers and other elders is a …….. duty.

1. Moral

2. Legal

3. Economical

4. Social

Option 1 – Moral

Paying the taxes regularly is a ………. duty :

1. Economical

2. Political

3. Legal

4. Social

Option 3 – Legal

Respecting the National Flag is the duty of

1. All the citizens

2. The students

3. The politicial parties

4. The defence forces

Option 1 – All the citizens

To provide defence services is a …… function of the state.

1. Welfare

2. Compulsory

3. Protective

4. None of the above

Option 3 – Protective

To provide Bus pass facility to the students is one of ……. function of the state.

1. Protective

2. Fundamental

3. Welfare

4. Compulsary

Option 3 – Welfare

There is a provision for compulsory military service in countries like

1. China

2. Taiwan

3. Both (1) & (2)

4. India

Option 3 – Both (1) & (2)

India has this form of Government

1. Military

2. Monarchy

3. Presidential system

4. Parliamentary system

Option 4 – Parliamentary system

U.S.A. has this form of Government

1. Presidential System

2. Parliamentary System

3. Military

4. Oligarchy

Option 1 – Presidential System

Rajya Sabha members elected for

1. 6 years

2. 5 years

3. 4 years

4. 7 years

Option 1 – 6 years

The real powers are enjoyed by the cabinet in the system ……. of democracy.

1. Parliamentary

2. Presidential

3. Modern

4. Welfare

Option 1 – Parliamentary

Direct democracy worked successfully in the ancient city states of Greece like……and….

1. Sparta

2. Athens

3. Both (1) & (2)

4. Italy

Option 3 – Both (1) & (2)

Right to property is which type of right.

1. Moral

2. Political

3. Legal

4. Economic

Option 4 – Economic

A citizens right to exercise his or her vote is a of right.

1. Political

2. Social

3. Economic

4. Social

Option 1 – Political

The father of Political Science is

1. Aristotle

2. Gandhiji

3. Abraham Lincoln

4. Austeen

Option 1 – Aristotle

The word “Democracy” is derived from the language.

1. Latin

2. English

3. Italian

4. Greek

Option 4 – Greek

Demos means …….

1. Demons

2. Imps

3. People

4. None of the above

Option 3 – People

In democracy the supreme power rests with the

1. rulers

2. Monarch

3. Some persons

4. People

Option 4 – People

Democracy is defined as a form of government of the people, by people and for the people by

1. Aristotle

2. Abraham Lincoln

3. Gandhiji

4. John Lock

Option 2 – Abraham Lincoln

If sovereignty is vested in a single person, we have

1. Democracy

2. Monarchy

3. Aristocracy

4. Anarchy

Option 2 – Monarchy

If sovereignty is vested in some persons, we have :

1. Monarchy

2. Democracy

3. Anarchy

4. Aristocracy

Option 4 – Aristocracy

We covered all the MCQ of what is democracy and why democracy above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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