Ch 2 Geography Class 9 MCQ

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Ch 2 Geography Class 9 MCQ. We covered all the Ch 2 Geography Class 9 MCQ in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Ch 2 Geography Class 9 Objective MCQ for Students

Where is the Satellite launch center in the USA?

A) Alamos

B) Los Angeles

C) Cape Verde

D) Cape Kennedy

Option d – Cape Kennedy

The satellites of which one of the following countries has helped in the preparation of a detailed and complete map of Antarctica?

A) Canada

B) France

C) Russia

D) U.S.A.

Option a – Canada

Which one of the following statements is not correct?

A) The country which does not belong to the group of BALKANS is Bosnia

B) North-Eastern part of Australia is not affected by a Mediterranean climate

C) The Nova Scotia Coalfield lies in Canada

D) At present, China is the country in the world which is the largest producer of cotton

Option a – The country which does not belong to the group of BALKANS is Bosnia

The line joining the areas having the same rainfall is called

A) Isobar

B) Isohyet

C) Isotherm

D) Isohaline

Option b – Isohyet

Which one of the following is correctly matched?

A) Paraguay: Pampas

B) U.S.A.: Manitoba

C) Morocco: Atlas Mountains

D) Australia: Kimberley

Option c – Morocco: Atlas Mountains

Where was the first nuclear power station established in the world?

A) Britain

B) Germany

C) Russia

D) U.S.A.

Option d – U.S.A.

Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

A) Seikan Rail Tunnel: China

B) Petronas Towers: Malaysia

C) Appalachian Trail: USA

D) Rogun Dam: Tajikistan

Option a – Seikan Rail Tunnel: China

Peneplain is related to

A) Wind

B) Underground water

C) Glacier

D) River

Option d – River

The Bermuda Triangle lies in

A) North Atlantic Ocean

B) South Atlantic Ocean

C) North Pacific Ocean

D) South Pacific Ocean

Option a – North Atlantic Ocean

We covered all the ch 2 geography class 9 mcq above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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