Madras University Tamil Question Paper

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Madras University Tamil Question Paper. We covered all the Madras University Tamil Question Paper MCQs in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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Madras University Tamil Objective Question Paper for Students

After the Mauryas, the most important kingdom in the Deccan and Central India was that of the:

(a) Vakatakas

(b) Cholas

(c) Satavahanas

(d) Pallavas

Option c - Satavahanas

The language of the Satavahana inscriptions was:

(a) Pali

(b) Prakrit

(c) Tamil

(d) Telugu

Option b - Prakrit

Pushyamitra Shunga:

(a) defended the Magadhan empire against the Bactrian Greeks

(b) is said to have performed the Asvamedha sacrifice

(c) was a persecutor of Buddhism according to the Divyavadana

(d) did all of the above

Option c - was a persecutor of Buddhism according to the Divyavadana

Chaitra 1 of the national calendar based on the Saka Era corresponds to which one of the following dates of the Gregorian calendar in a normal year of 365 days?

(a) 22 March (or 21st March)

(b) 15th May (or 16th May)

(c) 31st March (or 30th March)

(d) 21st April (or 20th April)

Option a - 22 March (or 21st March)

Some Buddhist rock-cut caves are called Chaityas, while others are called Viharas. What is the difference between the two?

(a) Vihara is a place of worship, while Chaitya is the dwelling place of the monks

(b) Chaitya is a place of worship, while Vihara is the dwelling place of the monks

(c) Chaitya is the stupa at the far end of the cave, while Vihara is the hall axial to it

(d) There is no material difference between the two

Option b - Chaitya is a place of worship, while Vihara is the dwelling place of the monks

The first Indian ruler to be shown in images as wearing a dress akin to trousers is:

(a) Kanishka

(b) Ashoka

(c) Chandragupta

(d) Samudragupta

Option a - Kanishka

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