South Indian History MCQ

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MCQ on South Indian History for Students

Who is said to have started what is known as the Saka era in 78 AD?

1. Nahapana

2. Rudraman I

3. Vikramaditya

4. Kanishka

Option 4 – Kanishka

The earliest stratum of the history of the Tamils is known as the :

1. Chola Age

2. Pallava Age

3. Pandyan Age

4. Sangam Age

Option 4 – Sangam Age

Which of the following is considered a classic of the Sangam literature?

1. Tirrukkural

2. Silappadikaram

3. Tolkappiyam

4. Pattupattu

Option 2 – Silappadikaram

Which Gupta king has been called ‘an Indian Napoleon’ for having brought under his Sway a considerable portion of Indian territory?

1. Chandragupta

2. Samudragupta

3. Chandragupta

4. Skandagupta

Option 2 – Samudragupta

Who of the following was the foremost astronomer and mathematician of the Gupta period?

1. Varahamihira

2. Brahmagupta

3. Vagaghata

4. Aryabhata

Option 4 – Aryabhata

Which Gupta ruler’s court was adorned by numerous scholars including Kalidasa?

1. Chandragupta

2. Chandragupta II

3. Sri Gupta

4. Samudragupta

Option 2 – Chandragupta II

Which among the following is not a work of Kali dasa?

1. Sankhya Karika

2. Ritusamhara

3. Meghduta

4. Malavik agnimitra

Option 1 – Sankhya Karika

Harsha wrote all the following except :

1. Ratnavali

2. Nagananda

3. Kadambari

4. Priyadarshika

Option 3 – Kadambari

Who among the following was a poet at Harsha’s court?

1. Harisena

2. Banabhatta

3. Bhasa

4. Dandin

Option 2 – Banabhatta

The Chinese pilgrim who visited India during Harsha’s reign was :

1. Hiuen

2. I-tsing

3. Fa-hien

4. All three

Option 1 – Hiuen

When did Christianity come to India?

1. First century AD

2. Third century AD

3. Sixth century AD

4. Seventh century AD

Option 1 – First century AD

When was zero discovered by the Indians?

1. Second century BC

2. Sixth century BC

3. Second century BC

4. Fifth century BC

Option 1 – Second century BC

The first Muslim person to conquer Indian was

1. Ghori

2. Balban

3. Md.bin Kasim

4. Babar

Option 3 – Md.bin Kasim

Which is one of the earliest examples of a residential-cum-teaching Institution?

1. Kanchi

2. Taxila

3. Vikramsil

4. Nalanda

Option 4 – Nalanda

Which book is known as the encyclopedia of Indian medicine”?

1. Charakasamhita

2. Abhidarma Hridaya

3. Sushrutasamhita

4. Ashtangahridaya samhita

Option 1 – Charakasamhita

Which king founded the Vikramasila University?

1. Dhruva

2. Devapala

3. Dharmapala

4. Bhoja

Option 3 – Dharmapala

Where was the capital of the Rashtrakutas?

1. Vatapi

2. Malwa

3. Manyakhet

4. Vengi

Option 3 – Manyakhet

Kalhana’s Rajatarangini is a work on the history of :

1. Malwa

2. Gujarat

3. Kashmir

4. Vijayanagar

Option 3 – Kashmir

What was the main feature of Dravida style of temple architecture?

1. Mandapa

2. Gopuram

3. Vimana

4. Shikhara

Option 3 – Vimana

Kautilya’s Arthasastra has been compared to :

1. Karl Marx’s Das Kapital

2. Machiavelli’s Prince

3. Plato’s Dialogues

4. Hitler’s Mein Kampf

Option 2 – Machiavelli’s Prince

In his inscriptions Ashoka calls himself :

1. Priyadarshini

2. Dhammasoka

3. Daivaputra

4. Devanampriya Priyadarsin

Option 4 – Devanampriya Priyadarsin

Kautilya’s Arthasastra deals with :

1. Principles and practice of statecraft

2. Economic relations

3. Functions of the king

4. Foreign policy

Option 1 – Principles and practice of statecraft

Megasthenes visited India during the reign of :

1. Ashoka

2. Bindusara

3. Chandragupta II

4. Chandragupta Maurya

Option 4 – Chandragupta Maurya

Milinda-panho is the Pali work in the form of a dialogue between Menander and the Buddhist monk :

1. Nagabhushan

2. Nagasena

3. Asvaghosha

4. Ananda

Option 2 – Nagasena

We covered all the south Indian history mcq above in this post for free so that you can practice well for the exam.

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