MCQ on Agriculture with Answers

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MCQ on Agriculture with Answers. We covered all the MCQ on Agriculture with Answers that are helpful to prepare for any competitive exams. Yes, you can prepare these MCQs if your exam has the agriculture syllabus in it.

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Xanthomonas citri is the

1. virus

2. bacteria

3. fungi

4. all

Option 2 – bacteria

Citrus fruits contain large amount of which vitamin

1. D

2. A

3. C

4. B

Option 3 – C

Operation flood is otherwise called as

1. green revolution

2. white revolution

3. black revolution

4. yellow revolution

Option 2 – white revolution

The semen from bulls is stored at a temperature of

1. 196°C


3. -80°C

4. 80°C

Option 2 – -196°C

Serum gonadotropin induces

1. hunger

2. sweating

3. ovulation

4. thirst

Option 3 – ovulation

The milk yield from other countries for day and for one animal is

1. 30 to 50 lts

2. 20 to 30 lts

3. 3.50 to 80 lts

4. 3.80 to 100 lts

Option 2 – 20 to 30 lts

Holstein breed belongs to

1. England

2. Russia

3. Denmark

4. Africa

Option 3 – Denmark

High yielding variety of England is

1. mehsana

2. jaffrabadi

3. murrah

4. jersey

Option 4 – jersey

The milk yield of hybrid cow per day is

1. 18 to 20 lts

2. 20 to 30 lts

3. 20 to 50 lts

4. 1 to 10 Its

Option 1 – 18 to 20 lts

Milk given by a murrah breed per year is

1. 100 to 1000 Its

2. 1000 to 1500 lts

3.500 to 1000 Its

4. 1800 to 2200 Its

Option 4 – 1800 to 2200 Its

The number of calves produced by a cow super ovulation method is

1. 2 to 3

2. 3 to 4

3. 4 to 5

4. 1 to 2

Option 3 – 4 to 5

At present methods are developed to store embryos obtained after artificial insemination. They are frozen at





Option 1 – -196°C

Fruits drop off before they grow fully in this diseases

1. citrus canker

2. dowry mildew

3. mosaic virus disease

4. corky vein virus

Option 3 – mosaic virus disease

Viral disease on citrus crop

1. Triesta

2. mosaic

3. yellow corky vein

4. all

Option 4 – all

Viruses depend for their transmission from one host to the other on

1. venters

2. vectors

3. host

4. none

Option 2 – vectors

Coconut wilt is caused by

1. bacteria

2. fungi

3. virus

4. all

Option 3 – virus

Cassytha is a

1. stem parasite

2. root parasite

3. autotroph

4. both

Option 1 – stem parasite

Ploughing helps to

1. distribution of nutrients

2. remove micro-organisms

3. identify weed

4. (1) and (2)

Option 4 – (1) and (2)

Sprinkler system of irrigation is more useful

1. cooling the crop

2. controlled water supply

3. sandy soils

4. all the above

Option 2 – controlled water supply

Germination percentage of seeds be tested can by keeping the seeds in water for

1. 24 hours

2. 24 seconds

3. 24 minutes

4. 24 days

Option 1 – 24 hours

One of the following is a natural manure

1. garden manure

2. green manure

3. compost

4. all

Option 4 – all

Weeds compete with crop plants for

1. water

2. nutrients

3. space

4. all

Option 4 – all

Shape of plough is

1. C shape

2. V shape

3. T shape

4. L shape

Option 3 – T shape

Essential nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are supplied through the application of

1. raw materials

2. salt compounds

3. chemical manures

4. none

Option 3 – chemical manures

What is another name for herbicide?

1. Insecticide

2. Weedicide

3. Fungicide

4. D.D.T.

Option 2 – Weedicide

The number of furrows made by tractor

  1. 1 to 2
  2. 3 to 5
  3. 10 to 15
  4. 20 to 25

Option 2 – 3 to 5

Throwing the seeds at random is called

1. transplantation.

2. sprinkler

3. seed drill

4. broadcasting

Option 4 – broadcasting

Viral and bacterial diseases can be controlled by

1, change in the height of crops

2. plucking the weeds

3. destruction of vectors

4. seeds treated with water

Option 3 – destruction of vectors

Xanthomonas oryzae causes diseases in

1. coconut

2. grape wine

3. paddy

4. citrus

Option 3 – paddy

These small hole in the leaves insects make a and flowers and their head

1. aphids

2. arachid insects

3. citrus insects

4. mosaic insects

Option 1 – aphids

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